If you could get a glimpse at your past lives, would you? Would you be brave enough to face the struggles and triumphs, the pain and the glory, the tears and the laughter of another you? And if you could bear witness to the past, would you change how you live your current life knowing that another lay before you?
That is exactly what Jennifer Hoeprich had in mind when she accepted an offer from her friend—a SWIHA student enrolled in the Past Life Regression class—to serve as a test client in a practice session. “I was a successful midwife, enjoying my practice, and yet yearning to serve more women and families,” she recalls. “I went into the session hoping to get a glimpse of my life in the womb. What I actually experienced was a whole lifetime in the past—and I didn’t even believe in past lives at the time!”

During this session, Jennifer also found herself face-to-face with her mother, who had died five years prior. “I had always had a difficult relationship with my mom,” she confesses. “She shared some stories with me of her childhood trauma that I had never heard before. I came to feel a deep sense of compassion for my mom, and we connected on a new level. Later, when I shared what I had learned with my dad, he corroborated the information my mom had told me during the session. He said that everything she had told me had happened did, in fact, actually happen to her. Now I see my mom as my guardian angel.”
A Triple Threat of Mama Magic
After gaining the newfound knowledge of her mother’s trauma and of her own past life, Jennifer knew that she wanted to bring this valuable service to her clients and other pregnant women. She became a student in SWIHA’s Hypnotherapy program and began immediately working to develop her gifts.

“I had always enjoyed reading guided imagery scripts to my clients during labor,” she explains. “Now I can help them during their pregnancies. That makes a huge difference for soon-to-be mamas going into their births! I love being able to offer hypnotherapy as a complementary service to my midwifery practice, and I have had several midwives refer clients to me to assist with alleviating anxiety, morning sickness, and other pregnancy-related issues.”
It is with these gifts that Jennifer has started not one… not two… rather THREE businesses.
Through Moxie Midwifery, Jennifer offers primary, personalized care to pregnant women throughout their pregnancy, during the birth of their child, and six weeks postpartum. While she’s on hiatus from this business right now to enjoy her own baby, who joined her family late last year, she is hard at work on a hypnotherapy script book for doulas and midwives to use for women during their pregnancy, labor, postpartum, and through breastfeeding!
Through Moxie Meditation, Jennifer teaches hypnotherapy and meditation practices and helps women in all phases of life—especially the birthing year—with tough tasks like handling fears and anxieties and quitting smoking.

Finally, through the Magical Mama Retreat and Magical Mama Tribe, Jennifer leads a group of powerful women in consciously generating a supportive, empowering sisterhood that nourishes the mind, body, and spirit—set upon the intention of making the best possible individual and collective contribution to the world. Part of this business involves monthly “sister circles” which are open to the public and retreats: “Magical Mother’s Day,” a local day-long retreat in May; “Magical Mama Retreat,” a weekend-long retreat in October, and “Magical mama Biz Retreat,” a business retreat in June in Pine, Arizona, for heart-centered mom entrepreneurs.
Looking Back…
Jennifer’s own moxie is certainly an inspiration, and it all came down to the transformation she experienced in healing her understanding of her own mother, of herself, and of her relationship to the mamas she serves.
“I learned to offer grace to myself,” she shares. “I also learned that there is no pressure to ‘fix someone’s problem’ during a session. People are their own healers. They just need someone to ask the right questions, to really care, to get to know what is most important and most desired, and to bring that out in them. Our job is to reflect the client’s own healing light back to them.”
Connect with Jennifer:
Email: azlovingbirth@gmail.com or magic.mama.retreat@gmail.com
Websites: moxiemidwifery.com and magicalmamaretreat.com
FB Link: https://www.facebook.com/Magical-Mama-Retreat-687683551314996/