Alexa Moody is Proud to Be Plant-Based and Helping Others to Health

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 5/23/19 3:00 PM

When Alexa Moody arrived at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts she describes herself as “on fire with changes” and eager to share her journey to help others.

“I had made dramatic changes in my life,” explains Alexa, “Especially with my food choices, which dramatically changed my health. I wanted to share this with the world and needed an outlet.”

She once struggled with numerous weight-related health issues such as acid reflux, sleep apnea, high blood pressure and diabetes. Within months of committing to her health, Alexa eliminated her need for medications for these conditions! Today, Alexa has successfully lost 188lbs through a nutrition-focused diet and committing to an active lifestyle.


“My passion lies in the fact that I had been in such a dark space. My health in mind, body and spirit had been spiraling downward at such a fast pace and something had to change! I was at rock bottom. I listened to a doctor speak about food, toxins and our bodies and right then and there made the decision to make a change.”

Alexa enrolled in to the Mind Body Wellness Practitioner program with big dreams and boundless determination. However, she admits: “My ego needed to step to the left!"

“I remember Dee saying in the first class that ‘What you learn here you will never forget. You will have no choice but to make changes in your own life,” Alexa reflects with humor: “At the time I was like ‘Oh please! I already know a lot and have made massive changes in my life. I have it in the bag. I don't need to change anything more.’ At that time I was fully engaged in fitness and I had eliminated some meat products. I was sure I was not making any more changes.”

However, a simple piece of homework completely changed her perspective: “One of our assignments in Dee's class was to do the Blood Type Diet for 3 days and write a paper about it. I am blood type A which means my body's constitution does not do well with meat and dairy products of any kind,” she explains, “I was still on that mental path that when it came to my fitness that I NEEDED that meat for my protein source. Then one Friday night in the summer, I chose to finally watch ‘What the Health’... I was DONE! It has been over a year and a half or so since being strictly plant-based and I don't regret that decision at all. I have never felt better.”

Light-heartedly, she says: “The only thing once in awhile that comes up for me is that I LOVED an everything bagel lightly toasted with a side of cream cheese, lox, tomatoes, red onion and capers! My FAVE! Now, the moment that it pops into my head, it’s gone just as fast. I am good without it!”

After graduating from her initial program, Alexa decided to continue her education with the Holistic Nutrition Wellness Practitioner program to deepen her understanding of our bodies relationship to food, both physically and mentally.

“Each time I sat in a nutrition class, I learned more and more. I could not and cannot get enough!” she tells us, “Every time any instructor opened their mouth, I was in awe.”

“Every teacher that is staffed here is employed here on purpose. They possess a wealth of knowledge and they have the passion for their craft that they want to share with you, just like you have the passion to share with the world. We all want to make our lives and our world better... one student at a time and one client at a time.”

Alexa recently graduated, describing the moment as “bittersweet”, saying that she is excited to take on the world, though sad that she is leaving. She knows, however: “SWIHA is always there for us and we are forever a tribe that will always be there for each other!

Since then, Alexa has been hard at work designing her dream, BabySteps2U by Alexa!


“I offer going into clients’ kitchens and auditing what is in their refrigerators and pantries, help the client identify products that are not in alignment with their goal (and why) and make suggestions for what kitchen tools or equipment that would help them in the kitchen and their meal prep,” she tells us, “Other services include the Art of Meal Prep, which helps them make better food choices instead of not being prepared and running out to the fast food joint down the street instead and a Shopping Tour, where we go to the farmer's market and grocery store and learn how to navigate, read labels and what to look out for.”

“I know that I make a difference in people's lives already,” says Alexa, “I have many people that follow me and my posts about my own personal journey and my business. They update me on good choices that they make, healthy foods they cooked or some sort of positive progress they have made for themselves. Out of the blue I get these messages! And always at the perfect time when I start wondering if I am making a difference.“

To anyone considering giving profitable purpose to their personal journey, Alexa has this to say: “Be open to new thoughts, ideas, and information. We sometimes walk in thinking we know so much already, and time and time again I learned I did not. You won't be able to forget what you learn either. Be ready for the change you expect of your clients!”

Study Holistic Nutrition

Topics: Great Graduates, Holistic Nutrition, healthy lifestyle, Diploma Program, Plant-based-diet

About the Author Taylor Jablonowski

Taylor Jablonowski is SWIHA’s Marketing Specialist and a momma to a three-year-old boy named Arlo. When she's not working to make the Healing Arts accessible to everyone, you'll probably find her somewhere in the woods with her feet in a river.

Taylor Jablonowski

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