Aliah Brown

Aliah Brown is a graduate of SWIHA’s online Holistic Health and Wellness Coach program with a concentration in Holistic Nutrition. Aliah is currently employed as a Nutritional Health Coach (NHC) at Natural Grocers. She has plans to create her own business.

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Emotional Intelligence 101: What It Is and How to Strengthen It with Aliah Brown

Posted by Aliah Brown on 3/12/25 8:00 AM

The Definition of Emotional Intelligence
Everyone seems to agree that your intelligence quotient, your IQ, is an important measure of cognitive ability. It is often used as a way to measure your potential for success on job applications, college applications, and in social settings. This leaves me wondering what emotional intelligence is and why it isn’t held in our society with the same level of relevance and validity as IQ. According to a survey done by the World Economic Forum, called The Future of Jobs Report, only 35% of respondents reported that they knew about emotional intelligence (referred to as EQ).

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Topics: Great Graduate, Holistic wellness, Emotional Intelligence, Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach

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