Angela Balthrope

Angela Balthrope is a graduate of SWIHA’s Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner (IHAP) diploma program. She is working toward her master’s degree in counseling, and volunteers at a local mental health clinic. Angela is pursuing a career as a licensed therapist.

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How Deep Breathing Boosts Mental Health: Insights from Angela Balthrope

Posted by Angela Balthrope on 3/17/25 8:00 AM

Why Deep Breathing Helps

Deep breathing is one of the greatest things we can do for ourselves in pursuit of good mental health. This time-honored practice of using our own bodies and breath to self-regulate works wonders to reduce stress and anxiety and to engage the parasympathetic nervous system. Breath work in all forms is a way we can hit an internal reset button. It is our ability to stop and reframe. It allows us to slow down for just a moment to get our thoughts in order.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Breathing Techniques, IHAP, Breath Work

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