Autumn Marie Ackerson

Autumn Marie Ackerson is a graduate of SWIHA’s Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner (IHAP) online diploma program. Her studies focused on Spiritual Life Coaching and End-of-Life-Doula. Autumn served as a caretaker of her mother-in-law and felt guided to take the End of Life Doula program to help ease her transition. Autumn hopes to serve others in the same way in the future.

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Autumn Marie Ackerson’s Journey of Transformation: How Change Leads to New Traditions

Posted by Autumn Marie Ackerson on 3/10/25 8:00 AM

Have you ever thought about where traditions come from, and what makes an event a tradition? Have you thought about changes you have experienced, and how those changes transform from tradition into ritual? These are important markers on the road called life. We all have traditions, whether they are carried from generation to generation or are self-created, and we have all experienced life-transforming changes that we choose to highlight with tradition and ritual.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Transformation, IHAP, End of Life Doula

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