Brenda Fisher

Brenda Fisher is an inspiring blogger, passionate about educating others on utilizing nutrition and wellness in a holistic way. Brenda’s passion has developed over the last 15 years and gained momentum two years ago when she enrolled in SWIHA’s Holistic Health and Wellness Coach Diploma Program. Brenda is so close to completing her program and is ecstatic about moving forward in her career, and being a first-time entrepreneur.

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A Holistic Approach to Navigating Separation: SWIHA Student Blog Series

Posted by Brenda Fisher on 12/14/21 4:00 PM

Brenda Fisher is an inspiring blogger, and SWIHA great graduate, who is passionate about educating others on utilizing nutrition and wellness in a holistic way. Brenda’s passion has developed over the last 15 years and gained momentum two years ago when she enrolled in SWIHA’s Holistic Health and Wellness Coach Diploma Program. Brenda is ecstatic about moving forward in her career, and being a first-time entrepreneur. For the purpose of this blog, Brenda felt moved to intertwine her education and current personal experience, of a marital separation, to help others. Brenda’s desire is to encourage self-care, help others feel comfortable to reach out for support and embrace the process. Brenda states, “I want them to be empowered and have support during what can be a crucial healing time and an opportunity for self-growth and self-love.”

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Topics: self love, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, sleep, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, Nutrition, Holistic health, health coach, Wellness Coach, Holistic Modalities, Holistic Health and Wellness, NBHWC, Pause, Prayer, Separation, Patience, Support System, Trust, Prepare, Process, Holistic Behaviors

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