Diana DeWolfe

Diana DeWolfe is a current SWIHA student in the Holistic Nutrition Wellness Practitioner program. Diana is passionate about creating guidelines for making healthy food choices that contain simple tips meant to remove the mystery and frustration around transitioning into an intentionally nutritious lifestyle. SWIHA’s motto “touch lives, heal bodies, and free souls” embodies Diana’s thought process of nutrition.

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Demystifying Healthy Eating

Posted by Diana DeWolfe on 9/16/21 4:00 PM

We've all been there.  We want to eat healthier, so we do a quick Google search to get some tips and suddenly become overwhelmed by the amount of data returned. Results range from diets promising quick and easy results - low carb, low fat, high fat, carnivore, keto, plant-based - to food subscriptions to buy, ads for nutritional and fitness services, and a few websites promising to unlock the secrets to healthy eating but leave you with very little and often conflicting information. It's frustrating, often resulting in giving up and continuing old habits or taking advice from a friend of a friend who happens to know all about the latest diet craze; you hop on board excited about the promised results. Disappointment settles in quickly. Why isn't the diet working?

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, Nutrition, Farmers Market, Holistic wellness, SOUL Food, SAD diet, Diet, Gluten-free, Food Allergies, Holistic Education, Standard American Diet, Self-Healing, continuing education, Holistic Modalities, Wellness Practitioner

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