Jade Marvin

Jade Marvin graduated with honors from Arizona State University with a BS in Business Digital Marketing. She is SWIHA’s Marketing Specialist who loves to write, dance, hang out with her friends and shop! When she’s not in the office, you’ll probably find her cuddling up with her cat & binge watching the latest show on Netflix.

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Why Urban Farmer, Mecca Bey, Combines her Love for Nutrition with Coaching

Posted by Jade Marvin on 3/9/23 4:00 PM

My life before SWIHA was and is purpose-driven, which is why SWIHA was always on my path. I had been seeing advertisements for SWIHA about two years prior to me actually reaching out to sign up, I even had SWIHA send me a catalog of the courses. It wasn't until I started really wanting to know more about the food I grow that I said ‘Okay let me really look into this school.’ I chose my program of study because I wanted to have more education and knowledge about food and how it affects our bodies and our communities. I'm passionate about this modality because food is and has always been our future for how we see the world. It either brings us together or breaks us apart.”

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Topics: Holistic Nutrition, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Urban Farming, Arizona, Tempe, Holistic Nutrition Coach, Health & Wellness Coach, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Holistic Nutrition Specialist

How Health & Wellness Coach Carrie Ann Myers Fell Back in Love with Holistic Nutrition

Posted by Jade Marvin on 3/7/23 4:00 PM

My life before SWIHA was pretty much ‘going through the same old thing.’ I loved to cook and was always making food and giving it away and making my friends try it. I was stuck making food from the same ingredients I always have. I wanted something more and wanted to find different ways to learn about the foods that I was making and what nutritional value they had. I love to see people eat good food and feel good about it. Knowing that the food was organic, healthy, and fun to make was what I wanted to share with people.”

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Topics: Holistic Nutrition, Great Graduate, Nutrition, Farmers Market, SWIHA Students, Whole Foods Culinary Specialist, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, HHWC

Life Coach, ReNae Schramm, Holds Space for Clients to Get Out of Their Heads and into Their Bodies

Posted by Jade Marvin on 3/2/23 4:00 PM

What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?

My life before SWIHA involved a lengthy corporate career and years of talk therapy! An off-handed comment about becoming a Life Coach opened a world of opportunity. I stumbled across ads for SWIHA, stopped in for a visit, tried out several classes through the guest pass program, and landed myself in the Life Coaching program. I'd always been interested in Hypnotherapy and found the schedule aligned, so that became my weekend gig. It didn't take long before I was hooked! Being around like-minded people and learning how to use these techniques changed (and healed) me more than I ever thought possible. I couldn't wait to share my talents with the world and used these skills whenever I could.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Kamini Desai, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, life coach, yoga nidra, Hypnotherapy, Advanced Hypnotherapy, Linda Bennett

How Wellness Coach Jamie Jones Spreads her Passion for Wellness with Others

Posted by Jade Marvin on 2/28/23 4:00 PM

Before SWIHA I was lost wondering what route I should take in my career. I've always been into fitness and holistic health. As a personal trainer and aerobics instructor, I knew I wanted to build upon my knowledge to help others. I remember looking into SWIHA over 10 years ago. For years it was always a distant dream to be a student until it finally became a reality thanks to the universe. The Holistic Nutrition and Wellness Coaching diploma got my attention quickly as it seemed to cover some of the topics I was passionate about. At a young age dealing with chronic illness, I've learned the value of giving my body nourishing whole foods and taking care of every aspect of well-being to live one's best life. I now want to share this knowledge and passion with the world to help other people with their personal wellness journey.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Whole Foods, KC Miller, Health and Wellness, Blessons, Divine Timing, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Children's Wellness, Janet Lee

Mari Rubio Discovered Her Life’s Purpose is Serving Others as a Hypnotherapist

Posted by Jade Marvin on 2/21/23 4:00 PM

Life before SWIHA for Mari Rubio was filled with many life-altering moments. Mari, having already been exposed to the power of Hypnotherapy, was sharing the methodology of HypnoBirthing with expectant parents. Mari shares, “Through this work, I started to develop a fascination with the powers of the mind. I wanted to learn how hypnosis could be applied to other areas. I was certified in general hypnosis in 2018, just a year before I lost my husband of 19 years unexpectedly to pneumonia. In evaluating my life and purpose, I decided I wanted to further explore hypnosis.” Thus began Mari’s journey at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts when she enrolled in the Hypnotherapy program in 2020 to gain a deeper understanding of the various Hypnosis applications.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Hypnotherapy, Arizona, Tempe, HypnoBirthing, Advanced Hypnotherapy

How Health & Wellness Coach, Tiffany Bourboulis, Helps Women Shine by Putting Their Health First

Posted by Jade Marvin on 2/14/23 4:00 PM

I was led to SWIHA by my intuition and my growing need to help others live a healthier and happier life. I knew that our health and wellness needed to be more important than any of the other things we put first in our busy lives. To be honest, I did not have a clue where this would take me or what a “Health and Wellness Coach” was. Yet, I still followed my intuition and drive to be able to grow my own knowledge of holistic wellness and ultimately help others to start putting their health and wellness first!

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, SWIHA, yoga, Reiki, Holistic wellness, Holistic health, Arizona, coaching, Tempe, Health and Wellness, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Imposter Syndrome

How Lourdes Menendez Accomplished Her Goals and Beyond with the Power of Intention

Posted by Jade Marvin on 1/20/23 8:00 AM

In honor of National Be On-Purpose Month, this January 2023, SWIHA Great Graduate and Healing Arts Practitioner Lourdes Menendez shares how intention and mindfulness show up in her life. Lourdes asserts, “Before SWIHA I had goals and purposes, however, I was not focused on how to continue living on purpose to achieve those goals. Then, the universe led me to SWIHA. I was randomly looking for a school to learn Hypnotherapy and an internal voice said ‘that one right there’ exactly when I was reading SWIHA's mission statement! I am passionate about Hypnotherapy because the benefits are limitless. Our subconscious is deep and has a limitless capacity and all the answers are inside us.”

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Great Graduate, SWIHA, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, Arizona, Tempe, integrative healing arts practitioner, Goal-Setting, IHAP, Intention, National Be on Purpose Month 2023

How Living with Intention Saved Robyn Flynn-Kosar Through Her Journey with Cancer

Posted by Jade Marvin on 1/18/23 8:00 AM

Life Coaching and Holistic Nutrition graduate Robyn Flynn-Kosar took a life event that could have taken her life, and turned it around with the power of Nutrition & Intention. All Robyn’s life, she has put intention behind everything she does. Even when she makes mistakes, because she lives with intention, it allows her to be able to learn and be aware of the choices she has made. After being diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer, Robyn made the intentional decision to heal herself with the power of Nutrition!

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, life coach, Nutrition, Arizona, Tempe, Intention, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, National Be on Purpose Month 2023

5 Ways to Spark Your Intentions for the New Year

Posted by Jade Marvin on 12/29/22 4:00 PM

With January 2023 right around the corner, it is almost time to celebrate National Be On-Purpose Month! This holiday is intended to encourage us to start the New Year by putting our good intentions into action, personally and professionally! It’s time to say goodbye to confusion and hello to clarity as we integrate more purpose, meaning, and intentionality into our lives. It can be easy to be caught up in the monotony of everyday life. We can oftentimes forget to live life with intention. The excuses come rolling in and before we know it, it’s been a whole year and you haven’t achieved anything you wrote down on your New Years' Resolutions list. With January 2023 being National Be On-Purpose Month, let’s set the intention right now to live life with purpose and to put our dreams into action!

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, SWIHA, Arizona, Tempe, New Year, Intention, Purpose, National Be On-Purpose Month, New Years' Eve

2 Vegan Soup Recipes to Keep You Warm & Cozy This Fall

Posted by Jade Marvin on 11/17/22 4:00 PM

The best and only way to celebrate Fall is with a bowl of soup, right? During this season of the year, all we want to do is cozy up in a nice blanket and eat some soup. With the weather cooling down, it only feels right to try some new soup recipes! Chef and Coach, Janet Lee, states, “The holidays can often be a time of overeating, high stress, and expectations. If that has not worked well in the past; I invite you to lean into self-care, eat colorful foods, and look for the joy in it all!” To follow what Janet said, this is the perfect time to really take care of yourself and your body before the craziness of the holiday season. Southwest Institute of Healing Arts invites you to add these two delectable soups to your collection of fall soup recipes this year!

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, Whole Foods, Recipe, Nutrition, Arizona, Tempe, Vegan Recipe, Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Thanksgiving Recipes, Fall Soup, Fall Soup Recipes, Coaching Skills, Business Development

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