Jake Matter

Jake Matter is a SWIHA Great Graduate of the Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching program. Jake founded his LLC in November of 2023, offering health coaching individually and to groups, as well as guided meditations. Jake has a passion for helping others through their healing journies and offering a safe space for peace of mind.

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The Importance of Safe Spaces with Health Coach Jake Matter

Posted by Jake Matter on 7/4/24 4:00 PM

All people, regardless of gender, ethnicity, sexuality, or whatever of the innumerable differences that exist, need to have a space, an environment where they feel comfortable and can truly be their authentic selves. If people who make poor, destructive choices in their lives had a space where they could talk or get help, then maybe their path would have been able to diverge in a positive way.

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Topics: Great Graduate, Safe Space, SWIHA CommUNITY, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, lgbtq+

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