Katrina Childrey-Harris

Katrina Childrey-Harris is a recent graduate of SWIHA’s Holistic Health & Wellness Coach diploma program. Before SWIHA, Katrina was a nurse, feeling the effects of burn-out, and was seeking a change in her career. Now having graduated, Katrina holds space for Women to feel beautiful from the inside out!

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Unburdened Beauty: SWIHA Student Blog Series

Posted by Katrina Childrey-Harris on 2/9/23 4:00 PM

I enrolled in the Southwest Institute of Natural Aesthetics, desiring to learn more about natural skincare and the actual industry. I chose this path to fulfill the dream of opening a spa with my sister. After providing services in the healthcare industry for thirty-seven years as a nurse and in various healthcare management roles, the time had come for a career change. I reached a point in my life where I needed to shift focus to preventive care and health maintenance rather than sickness, disease, and death.

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Topics: SWINA, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, mind body spirit, Holistic wellness, Southwest Institute of Natural Aesthetics, Arizona, Tempe, Women's Empowerment, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Beauty Standards

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