KC Miller

KC Miller is the founder of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, a nationally accredited college community, celebrating 33 years of helping people to discover their Gifts and Graces. As a longtime yogi, teacher, and Lightworker, her personal life motto has become the healing model for SWIHA ~ Let me be an instrument in the peace and healing of others as we seek to touch lives, heal bodies and free souls!

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The Making of a Motivator

Posted by KC Miller on 2/12/25 8:00 AM

A “motivator” is a charismatic person who provides encouragement and inspiration to others to take action, pursue goals, improve performance, or take on a new, more positive outlook on life. They are described as cheerleaders, coaches, caregivers, or even Firewalkers!  

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Topics: Life Coaching, KC Miller, Entrepreneurs, Firewalker, Peak Performance, James Patrick, Motivator

Holiday Happiness: Unlock Your Natural High with the DOSE of Joy (and a Dash of Yoga!)

Posted by KC Miller on 12/25/24 7:00 AM

Holidays are a time of year when we hopefully get our dose of “feel good” feelings—like the warm fuzzies you get when you find out your favorite holiday movie is on TV for the 500th time! Those natural highs!! They’re like a party in your brain, thanks to chemical reactions coming from the oldest, the deepest part of our gray matter—like a caveman discovering fire, yet with more glitter and ‘glimmers’! (BTW —Glimmers are the opposite of triggers, brought on by positive chemical reactions.)

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Topics: KC Miller, spirit of yoga, yoga classes, Form a Yoga Habit, 25 Days of Yoga

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