By KC Miller - SWIHA Success Center Blogger
Going into business for yourself isn’t something to be taken lightly. However, if you wait for all the lights to turn green, you might never leave the driveway of your mind! There is an old saying, “It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” The same is true about business. While it may be true many small business fail, many make it! Here are some tips to help you GO for it!
1. GO get a business card.
Decide what you are willing to offer as a service, claim it as yours, and put it on a card. You can get inexpensive business cards by going to websites like or . Often your first set of up to 250 cards will be free. Order them! Your card will likely change many times over the first couple of years; it is part of the process. Create . . . and adjust.
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