KC Miller

KC Miller is the founder of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts celebrating its 30th year anniversary of helping people to discover their Gifts and Graces. Over the years KC has received many designations and won numerous awards. While these are milestones in life worth celebrating, her greatest joy and accomplishment, in her mind, is that her 'Life Light' has been used to help illuminate others 'light' and life purpose! Her personal life motto has become the healing model for SWIHA ~ Let me be an instrument in the peace and healing of others as we seek to touch lives, heal bodies and free souls!

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Nine Tips to Help You Get Ready, Get Set, and GO into Business

Posted by KC Miller on 5/31/15 4:04 PM

By KC Miller - SWIHA Success Center Blogger

Going into business for yourself isn’t something to be taken lightly. However, if you wait for all the lights to turn green, you might never leave the driveway of your mind! There is an old saying, “It is better to have loved and lost, than to have never loved at all.” The same is true about business. While it may be true many small business fail, many make it! Here are some tips to help you GO for it!

1. GO get a business card.

Decide what you are willing to offer as a service, claim it as yours, and put it on a card. You can get inexpensive business cards by going to websites like www.VistaPrint.com or www.123print.com . Often your first set of up to 250 cards will be free. Order them! Your card will likely change many times over the first couple of years; it is part of the process. Create . . . and adjust.

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(Almost) Unbelievable! Multimillionaire Entrepreneur and Angel-investor May McCarthy is one of us...

Posted by KC Miller on 4/20/15 5:47 AM

By KC Miller - SWIHA Success Center Blogger

Within the halls of SWIHA (Southwest Institute of Healing Arts) there is an unspoken secret, of sorts, about a special kind of power we all kind of know about, mostly believe in, and yet may not always tap into. It’s the woo-woo stuff that those outside our little SWIHA bubble might scoff at, albeit behind our backs. And yet, multimillionaire entrepreneur and angel investor May McCarthy puts it right out there, in a book, and speaks about it regularly.

From the very beginning of her newly release book, The Path to Wealth: Seven Spiritual Steps for Financial Abundance, May McCarthy acknowledges the all-knowing power of the universe— Infinite Intelligence, the Universe, Spirit, God, Truth, etc.

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Topics: Blog

Getting Motivated on Mondays!

Posted by KC Miller on 11/10/14 1:00 AM

By KC Miller

Monday has a little bit of a bad rap! Often you will hear someone say: T.G.I.F (Thank Goodness It’s Friday); rarely, however, do you hear, “T.G.I.M! I’m over-the-moon-excited it’s Monday!”

Let’s face it – If you are going to begrudge Mondays you have a lot of complaining ahead of you because, hopefully, you have a lot of Mondays in front of you.

So, what’s the answer? F.I.T.Y.M.I – which means ‘Fake It ‘Til You Make It’ – is one possible solution.

While being fake isn’t’ really the message, the use of acronyms or mnemonicscan be a powerful way to remember to adjust your attitude as you face the week.

The word ‘mnemonic’ comes from Greek mythology; there was goddess names Mnemosyne, dubbed ‘the Goddess of Memory’ whose claim to fame was sleeping with the Greek god Zeus and conceiving nine children. The children, all daughters, were known as the muses, or creative nymphs, personifying the arts, especially literature, healing, dance and music. A mnemonic for muse could be:

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Life Coaching, Motivational Monday, SWIHA, KC Miller

Don’t Dim Your Light!

Posted by KC Miller on 11/7/14 3:00 AM

by KC Miller, Founder of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts

‘Don’t dim my light!’ was the warning Richard Seaman gave me as one of his employers here on earth several years ago. This affirmation was not in the least way said in a threating or condescending manner; Richard was just very aware that his full-time employer was God. Often without warning some amazing force would show up and come out of his mouth . . . sometimes with grace, other times with real raw honesty. Before long it became increasingly obvious Richard was on loan as an employee to the college and that his real job was to be a spirit-directed pot-stirrer. He was in our employ to shake things up, do things a little differently and to prepare for his next assignment.

Richard has been very reliable in showing up to deeply touch the lives of many people, to help heal their stories, and in a very real way, helped to free many souls. There is no doubt his new book, Spiritual Reliability: Are You God’s Employee , is his continued commitment to serve as a teacher and guide for those who are ready to do their own work in recovering and discovering.

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Topics: Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, richard seaman, Life Coaching, Blog, SWIHA, Gifts and Graces

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