Keisha Peele

Keisha Peele is a Great Graduate of the Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching Diploma Program. She is the proud owner of her business ‘Healing InnerG’ a Holistic Health & Wellness Center. Keisha offers a variety of services and products ranging from Coaching Sessions to herbal remedies to cosmetology services.

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Choosing Self Care: A Guide from Health Coach Keisha Peele

Posted by Keisha Peele on 7/18/24 4:00 PM

In our daily lives, there are often demands from work, home, relationships, and other requirements that may take priority. We oftentimes place our well-being on the back burner and are made to feel that any time we set aside for ourselves is selfish. Society will have you believe that you are to give all you have and are to others, even if that means you are left completely depleted. I urge you to change your view and prioritize yourself today! Just think about it…without proper self-care, how will you be of use to anything or anyone else? If your cup is empty how and what do you continue to pour into others?

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Topics: self love, Great Graduate, Self-care, Holistic health, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach

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