We all feel the same way when we are told to eat better by our physicians. “It's too expensive” and “I don’t have time for that” are two of the most common responses when I have asked people about their barriers to eating better. These two answers are some of the most discouraging to our journey and our self-esteem because when we fail we tend to take it out on ourselves, the cost at the store, or even the people who are succeeding at what we are trying to do. So here I am as a mom of two, a wife, a caregiver who works out of the house, and family members in my home with specific dietary restrictions to tell you, it's OK. You can do it. In the last 10 years of trying to meal prep (sometimes unsuccessfully) and in the 5 years of consistent meal prepping (minus a day or week where I’m just not feeling into it) I’ve learned these 6 tips.
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