Michelle Tracy

Michelle Tracy is a graduate of SWIHA’s Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner diploma program. She believes every individual has the power to tap into their own intuition and find answers within themselves. Michelle developed many modalities as a spiritual medium including reading Tarot and Oracle cards. Michelle is an entrepreneur who offers her clients guidance on the path of self-discovery, clarity, personal growth, and healing. Her website is sunflowermystic.com.

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Three Ways to Manifest Abundance in Your Life

Posted by Michelle Tracy on 2/26/25 8:00 AM

How do you define abundance? Most people define abundance along the lines of “a whole lot of money.” What if I were to tell you that abundance is more than the balance in your checking account? To me, abundance is anything that causes your heart to swell with happiness. Sometimes, that is having a solid amount in your bank account; sometimes, it is the laugh of your children running through the house, and sometimes, abundance shows up in the form of feeling the sunshine on your face after sitting in a cold office all day.

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Topics: Gratitude, Great Graduate, abundance, Manifestation, IHAP

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