Pamela Topjian

Pamela Topjian is a SWIHA great graduate of the Online Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner Diploma program. Pamela has a private practice focusing on offering Hypnotherapy services with a mission to assist her clients on the path of deep healing.

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How Pamela Topjian Found SWIHA: A Journey of Self-Discovery

Posted by Pamela Topjian on 5/9/24 4:00 PM

My journey with Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) started as a licensed nurse who was on the verge of burnout. At the time in 2009, I was working full-time and did not have the ability to go part-time. I was looking for a more holistic way to assist people on their healing journey. To assist people in a deeper way towards real healing, to be a part of something I could feel good about within my heart and soul.

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Topics: Great Graduate, hypnotherapy program, integrative healing arts practitioner, Online Programs, Holistic Entrepreneurship, Published Author

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