Richard Seaman

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Produce yourself by saying Yes!

Posted by Richard Seaman on 5/18/15 4:36 AM

By Richard Seaman

I often wonder where would I be if I had not listened to God’s voice. Where would I be if I had not stepped onto the path to walk a Spiritually Reliable life?

I remember a time when I had one of those break down moments in the shower. I felt as if I was losing my mind, losing parts and pieces of myself. I cried out so loud to God, “I know I am amazing, talented and fabulous. I know I am not here to sling pasta in an Italian restaurant for the rest of my life. I am ripe and ready for the picking—God use me as your Divine instrument, in the peace and healing of others. God, I cannot go on anymore like this. I beg you, PLEASE send someone to produce me!”

It was a desperate attempt to get Gods attention, which, in my case is never anything short of melodramatic. I had gone complacent and was walking around in my life going through the motions, having temporary, fleeting in-sights—dreaming and seeing who I could become. Standing naked in the shower, water dripping down my body seemed metaphorical as I was having an emotional crisis, screaming, crying and complaining of how things were not working in my life. Then I heard the Voice—the voice neither male nor female, a voice so clear, direct, and precise like a laser, surround me from all directions and yell into me—Produce Yourself!

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