Zoey Sigmon

Not only has Zoey been both a student and instructor at SWIHA, she is currently our Blog Coordinator and Editor. When she isn't serving SWIHA, Zoey is an intuitive empath and spiritual coach, whose work connects individuals to the divine guidance and unconditional love that awaits them in every moment from Universal energy. As a Reiki practitioner, crystal healer, and sound healing practitioner, Zoey uses her gifts of clairvoyance, healing, and empowerment, to help individuals step into their purpose, gain clarity on their lives, and find fulfillment and abundance in all forms. In her free time, she enjoys long boarding, playing the ukulele, partaking in some outdoor yoga, and sampling new vegan cuisine with her husband. Connect with Zoey by emailing her at zoey@swiha.edu – especially if you are a #SWIHA #GreatGraduate doing great things in the world! Or, if you have a BLOG article you would like to have featured on the SWIHA BLOG site.

Recent Posts

How Amy Higgins Uses Her Herbalist Training to Soothe the Soul

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 6/5/17 3:44 PM

Amy Higgins, a loyal and committed employee at SWIHA, did something unexpected—she became a student again! Motivated by a childhood fascination with the natural world, Amy elected to participate in herbalist training and aromatherapy studies at SWIHA. She reflects on this decision, stating, “I’ve always been intuitively drawn to the magic of the plant world and the things which speak to my senses. I am deeply concerned with supporting individuals on an emotional level, no matter what they are going through.”

Amy finds nothing more satisfying than to know that the bottle of blended oils she makes for a client is being used to soothe their frazzled nerves, help them sleep better, or perhaps assist in regulating their hormones. Instead of digging up dandelions to add to her mud pies and river rock towers, she now knows how to create a healing tincture from dandelion root to tone and nourish a client or a batch of Chamomile Calendula healing salve for insect bites or burns. “I could do this work every day and never be bored. I feel I am contributing my ART and my PASSION to others who need extra support in their lives.”

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Topics: herbalist training

How Yoga Teacher Training Let Amanda Petro Uncover Her Full Potential

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 6/2/17 8:57 AM

For some people, the traditional college route is not the road to success. Amanda Petro is one of those very people.

After spending a year at Arizona State University, Amanda wound up feeling completely unfulfilled; she was beginning to lose interest in her path of study and was increasingly aware that she was not resonating with her classmates. In her search for more like-minded friends, she ended up connecting with two soul sisters here in Tempe, Arizona, who were soon graduating from the Yoga Teacher Training Program at Spirit of Yoga. “It was there at their YTT graduation ceremony that I realized I wanted to be apart of this incredible and seemingly magical school. I started off staying at ASU while I began my 200 YTT. Mid-way through, I quickly realized I couldn’t handle the workload of both. ASU was taking me away from diving deeper into my SWIHA education, so I decided to go full time at SWIHA and leave Arizona State University behind. It was the best decision of my life.

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Topics: Sound Healing, aromatherapy, yoga therapy, Holistic Nutrition, yoga, Nutrition Coaching, Yoga Teacher Training, Prenatal yoga, Yin Yoga, Yoga for PTSD

Barbara Iuliano: A Career of Life Coaching for Other Life Coaches!

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 5/26/17 8:02 AM

Barbara Iuliano’s reason for joining the SWIHA community may sound surreal to some, and yet to other SWIHA students, graduates, and staff, it is actually the norm! Why might some find it strange? Because Barbara claims that her own intuition and the guidance of the Universe brought her through our doors. “I was at a point in my life where everything was shifting... relationships, jobs, careers, dreams etc... I wanted to do something more, something of value, of service. SWIHA was one of those serendipitous blessings that fell into my lap.

As a graduate of our Mind Body Transformational Psychology AOS, Barbara has taken her acquired knowledge and integrated it magically with her innate gifts and interests in healing and service to launch her own successful practice. Although when she first started her program, she had no intention of becoming a coach, she has since surrendered to the obvious and grander plans that the Universe was conjuring for her behind the scenes. “Life coaching has been one of the most transformational and valuable practices that I have learned in my life. I couldn’t thank SWIHA enough for introducing me to this area in a holistic and professional manner. Coaching was love at first sight for me. Beyond life coaching, I also found my business classes of immense value as they encouraged me to set up my business ‘before I felt ready.'"

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Topics: Life Coaching

How Inga Tara Heals Relationship Trauma With Mindful Life Coaching

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 5/19/17 3:37 PM

Inga Tara once felt that she had it all—a beautiful family, financial security, the freedom to spend her time traveling abroad. And yet there was still something undeniably missing. “I was feeling dissatisfaction in my career, disconnect inside me, and a lack of inner peace,” she remembers. After participating in a full-body detox program in 2009, Inga finally found something that resonated powerfully with her: a love of nutrition. This shift is what Inga considers a major point of self-mastery and a significant first step in the journey to her divine purpose.


Years later in 2014, with an empty nest and a husband at work, Inga knew it was the perfect time to pursue her interests more actively. “I felt that that was a good time to go back to spiritual practices that I used to do for years (and made me feel happy and complete) and work on my creativity, self-actualization, and giving back to people.” Still, reconnecting to self through spiritual practice was not filling the void that Inga felt within her. She yearned to formalize her knowledge of holistic healing to bring happiness and well-being to others. She began to seek out schools and programs and decided to enroll at SWIHA soon after discovering it on an online search.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Polarity, Mind Body Wellness, Nutrition Coaching, Reiki, Nutrition, clinical hypnotherapy

How Yoga Teacher Training Transformed Former Design Student Natalie Hewitt into a True Yoga “Freq”

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 5/12/17 12:00 PM

After several years of emotional and physical struggle to complete her Bachelors from ASU in Design Studies, Natalie found herself sinking into a feeling many recent grads become mired in. She was uncertain of her path, worried that she had wasted mountains of money and years of her life on an unfulfilling career path, and couldn't see through the fog of fear that began to form around her. She knew on a visceral level that her soul longed to express itself creatively. However, no plan that she was able to forge in her mind painted a picture that she felt truly passionate to pursue. The only thing she knew for certain was that Corporate America would never be her home, and that she was determined to become her own boss. Sadly, like a self-fulfilling prophecy, Natalie wound up in a call center after graduation and could feel her happiness slipping away each day.

Later 2011, after a series of “rock bottom moments,” Natalie decided to turn her attention toward her health and wellness to try and recalibrate, by participating in a 30-day hot yoga challenge with friends. Though she had previously practiced informally, this was her first fully-immersive experience into the world of yoga.

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Topics: Sound Healing, aromatherapy, hatha gong, yoga, hatha

How Life Coaching Helped Niki Meadows Overcome Depression and Facilitate Self Love for Countless Others

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 5/5/17 9:11 AM

In 2013, Niki Meadows gave herself a metamorphic birthday gift that would ultimately change the course of her entire life. In order to ensure that 2014 would be the year she would stop wishing for change and start working for a more fulfilling reality, she quit her corporate job and enrolled in SWIHA’s life coaching program.

A natural-born life coach to those in her life, Niki chose to complete our 100-hour Life Coaching program to help her sharpen her skills so she could extend her gifts to others in a more professional capacity. Now the proud owner of Niki Meadows LLC, Niki identifies as a Women’s Worthiness and Authenticity Coach, working with women to heal the relationship they have with themselves. “I love to connect with people! I’m now able to serve people and it’s incredibly fulfilling to do something that has meaning and purpose. I’m also able to use the gifts and talents I was born with instead of trying to find creative ways to incorporate them into an environment that didn’t have room for them.

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Topics: transformational, Life Coaching, confidence, life coach, Empowerment, Worthiness Coaching

Mathina Ross: Healing Touch for Body, Mind, and Spirit

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 4/28/17 9:23 AM

Mathina Ross has always been a healer and philanthropist at heart. Though her background is not necessarily one you would expect from someone who now has a bustling career offering signature massage experiences, throughout her life she has mastered the art of caring for others. In fact, before attending SWIHA and completing our 1000-hour Massage Therapy Program, Mathina cultivated a profoundly rewarding career in cosmetology, in which she chose to specialize working with children who experienced spectrum disorders toward the end. She shares that the work was fulfilling to her soul, yet left her feeling drained. “I loved the work, [however, I] got ‘burned out.’  Given my specialized status, when I chose to move on, my options were very limited.  Prior to specializing, I had worked in hair, skin and nail care, and had been massaging much of the body, so the transition to massage seemed an appropriate one.

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Topics: aromatherapy, transformational, holistic, wellness, Massage, yoga, Self-care, healing, Yoga Teacher Training, Transformation, asana, health, Spiritual, Alternative healing, Namaste, Yogi, Om

Meet Sharon Rose --The Holistic Lifestyle Coach Offering Lasting Change

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 4/21/17 1:47 PM

Sharon Rose made the trek out to Arizona following an opportunity in her previous career of hospitality and to experience a much-needed change in scenery. Attending a school like Southwest Institute of Healing Arts was far from her mind. At the time, she had no idea that her recreational and self-preservationist interests in yoga would become such huge components of her life path, and ultimately, the fulfillment of her life purpose.

After four months here in the desert, a sinking feeling began to creep into her soul that something significant was missing. Looking back, she shares, “I became uninspired and mentally checked out. I started practicing yoga at Spirit of Yoga around this time. I realized then that I wanted to pursue yoga full time and decided to look into SWIHA.

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Topics: transformational, Life Coaching, holistic, wellness, Holistic Nutrition, SWIHA, yoga, healing, life coach, Nutrition Coaching, Healthy Eating, organic, asana, Spiritual, Smoothies, Alternative healing, Namaste, Yogi, Om

Cameo Rose--Serving Beautiful Bowls to Beautiful Souls!

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 4/14/17 1:50 PM

Meet Cameo Rose of Foxy Fruit Açai Bowls & Smoothies! This girl is serving beautiful bowls to beautiful souls and changing lives through her passion for and knowledge of Holistic Nutrition.

This dream life wasn’t always her reality, though. To hear Cameo talk about her sheer fervor and zeal for Holistic Nutrition and Urban Farming, you would never believe that just a few years ago before attending SWIHA, Cameo found herself trapped in a cycle of negativity. As she puts it, “I knew something had to give, or else I would feel this way forever.” She decided to dive in and begin researching how to live a more healthful life.

From there, she was exposed to a seemingly infinite fount of information about healthy eating. She talks of this time fondly; as if her life burst open, made colorful in the presence of organic options after living for years in the black and white world of processed foods and unconscious living. “I started falling in love with healthy eating, creating delicious vegetarian recipes, and taking care of my mind, body, and soul for what seemed [to be] the first time in my life.”

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Topics: transformational, Life Coaching, holistic, wellness, Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition Coaching, Urban Farming, Hypnotherapy, Healthy Eating, organic, health, Smoothies, Alternative healing

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