“I need to be creative; I need mental nourishment, and physical activity.”
Lauren loved healing and working with tinctures and aromatherapy oils/options and she found herself asking one day,
“I love these earthly things. Why am I not doing that?”
“I felt like my soul was dying.” [She laughs.] With her infectious smile and bright eyes, she continues, “Yes, I love being dramatic. But it was true: I called it ‘Soul-scouting' for the Soul that’s dying. [We both laugh] I was surrounded by people working the corporate ladder, and I just watched them live in fear and stress. That’s when I knew I could better serve my community. I was inspired to help people in this field, and the thing was, I knew I could help them.”
This Southwest Institute of Healing Arts graduate decided she could reframe her strengths from corporate and help bring physical and fitness changes to those still in it.
“I wanted to be a liaison between conflicting personalities.”
She describes her educational journey at SWIHA as “coming home to Self.” Lauren graduated from Spirit of Yoga with her 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training certification, the Certified Hypnotherapy program, and the Life Coaching program.
“I fell down the SWIHA rabbit hole. I wanted to do everything. I still do.”
“Please give me the weight of the world
and I’ll take their pain,
because I am really strong and I can handle it.”
The beauty and selflessness of that profound, fearless statement is inspirational. This is why clients or yoga students who find themselves in front of Lauren can feel safe and know that she will meet anyone where they are at and together, you find a road to more peace and understanding of yourself. In addition to her yoga, her experience with the Life Coaching classes solidified her needs to be more flexible and self-centered, that is, staying centered within self.
“One of the most valuable things I recall learning, was that everyone is doing the best they can with the tools they were given. Attempting to always apply this simple, yet profound, lesson to everyone I encounter has expanded my ability to empathize, understand, and ultimately connect with individual people and to not paint them with a generic brush.”
Lauren was surprised to see how well hypnotherapy and yoga went together. She calls it a ‘match made in heaven’, and she noticed during her time at SWIHA, that there was a deep connection between all the modalities. She gave a great example of the practice of Yoga Nidra (yogic sleep) and other ways she experienced Guided Imagery during a yoga practice.
In this graduates own words:
“Life Coaching expanded my abilities to connect with clients and supported many of the principles found in Yoga, such as meeting people where they are, letting go of whatever isn’t serving our greatest and highest good, and the list goes on. Hypnotherapy truly completes this package by connecting the principles of Life Coaching-
moving forward, letting go of anger, releasing fear-
with the meditative, peaceful, and high vibration aspects of yoga. For me, hypnotherapy can be an incredibly deep and relaxing form of meditation and connection to self, or the sub-conscious. It can also be a powerful tool of transformation when it’s used in conjunction with struggles or mental blocks that have been identified through life coaching.”
One of the last things Lauren shared with me:
“I am so profoundly happy. I have moved from darkness to the light, come home to myself, and now I can radiate it out. It’s been such a wonderful journey and I couldn’t have found this at any other school.”
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