Cameo Rose--Serving Beautiful Bowls to Beautiful Souls!

Posted by Zoey Sigmon on 4/14/17 1:50 PM

Meet Cameo Rose of Foxy Fruit Açai Bowls & Smoothies! This girl is serving beautiful bowls to beautiful souls and changing lives through her passion for and knowledge of Holistic Nutrition.

This dream life wasn’t always her reality, though. To hear Cameo talk about her sheer fervor and zeal for Holistic Nutrition and Urban Farming, you would never believe that just a few years ago before attending SWIHA, Cameo found herself trapped in a cycle of negativity. As she puts it, “I knew something had to give, or else I would feel this way forever.” She decided to dive in and begin researching how to live a more healthful life.

Cameo Rose Swiha Great Graduate Nutrition Urban Farming

From there, she was exposed to a seemingly infinite fount of information about healthy eating. She talks of this time fondly; as if her life burst open, made colorful in the presence of organic options after living for years in the black and white world of processed foods and unconscious living. “I started falling in love with healthy eating, creating delicious vegetarian recipes, and taking care of my mind, body, and soul for what seemed [to be] the first time in my life.”

Cameo felt so moved by what she was learning, that she wanted to take her personal research on food and nutrition further. Through a simple google search and some delicately delivered divine guidance, Cameo found her way to the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. SWIHA would become her new home for the next year as she completed her Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner Program, in which she focused on Holistic Nutrition, Urban Farming, Life Coaching, and Hypnotherapy.

“I am always proud to tell people that I received my college education at SWIHA. People who have heard of SWIHA know that it is such an excellent school and that the individuals who graduate from there are very well-educated and passionate about making the world a better place. I am very glad I attended SWIHA, as it gave me the proper tools I needed to start my business.”

Cameo Rose Swiha Great Graduate Nutrition Urban FarmingCameo was so enamored by her time at SWIHA, that she actually plans to return to audit some of her favorite Holistic Nutrition classes! She is particularly interested in revisiting the Macro & Micro Nutrient class. Cameo explained that this class offered her invaluable information about “the different nutrients found in food, their function[s,] and healing abilities.” She also divulged that “this class gives loads of important, valuable information, and [she feels that she] could take that class again (maybe even a couple more times!) to fully integrate what is being taught.” She was quick to mention that she was highly influenced by many of her instructors, including Dee McCaffrey, Melanie Albert, Torrie Birkemeier, Janet Lee, Hassena Kassim, and Kari Spencer just to name a few!

Since graduating from her program, Cameo enjoyed the honor of working on an urban farm for a several years. It was there that she applied her knowledge to discover first hand the importance of eating local, seasonal, and organic foods. “I learned how fun and rewarding it is to work in harmony with nature. It also gave me a lot of amazing, life-long skills to know how to grow my own food!

More recently, Cameo has taken her newly gained expertise and merged it with her innate affinity for smoothies and smoothie bowls. She is currently working alongside her mother, Julie, running a mobile operation in which they cater, deliver, and serve their scrumptious creations at local events, festivals, parties, and more! Her business has seen such prosperous growth, that she will be opening a physical location to serve from in the heart of hip and hectic downtown Phoenix as of October 1, 2017.

For this foxy fruit-lover, creating bowls is very much akin to the way painters expose their hearts onto a canvas. “Food art is my favorite type of art, because you really get to connect with your food, put your love and energy into it, and then the best part - eat and enjoy it! I wanted to bring this love and joy I found in creating healing, artistic smoothies and bowls into the world, as I have found that there are not many places out there that do it how I would do it. A vision came to me one day which sparked this idea, and now I have been putting action behind it for 1 year now! The results have been incredible and this is only the beginning.”

Cameo Rose Swiha Great Graduate Nutrition Urban FarmingThough this is obviously Cameo’s heart and soul, she isn’t the only one bewitched by her business. Her customers are raving about their delicious, hand-crafted treats. “We have touched people through our business by providing a healing experience through our food. Customers have told us time and time again that they are so appreciative of the love and intention we put into our bowls and smoothies, and that we truly care about the quality of our ingredients and customer service. We don't just make "food" - we make healing edible art. One customer even said our Tropical Love bowl was a ‘beautifully balanced alchemical creation from the divine heart.’

Perhaps even more impressive, Cameo relayed one of her most fond memories from heading Foxy Fruit as their lead fempreneur. She tells the tale of a time when her bowl left a customer utterly speechless! “They literally couldn't even speak - [they just smiled widely and said] "oh my gosh!" because they were blown away and in absolute heaven from my food!” Cameo feels deeply blessed that she is “able to understand how to develop such a delicious, healing experience[s] through food thanks to her own personal experience as well as the Holistic Nutrition program at SWIHA.” She mentioned specifically the Raw Foods Cooking class, in which “[she] was given great knowledge and hands-on experience in order to understand the healing power of food and how to create amazing, intentional recipes.

Cameo Rose Swiha Great Graduate Nutrition Urban FarmingThe opportunity to share her affection for healthy food as a business owner is one that Cameo cherishes immensely. When asked what she found most valuable from her SWIHA education, Cameo shared that the most significant thing she gained was the knowledge and confidence to become an entrepreneur.

I loved all the business classes they offered and how within each class and program, you are required to develop business skills and to put your knowledge from the classroom studies to the test. They really teach you how to actively bring your passion and gifts out into the world and help you to become successful…I truly believe SWIHA helped me gain confidence in myself by giving me a safe space for me to grow, learn, connect, heal, and evolve my mind, body, and soul. From the staff, to the students, to the classes, every day is an amazing experience where you come to learn more about yourself and what you have to offer the world. We all have unique abilities and traits that the world needs, and SWIHA is designed to gently push us to discover what that is and give us the tools to create a business around that if we wish.

Cameo’s meaningful message to SWIHA students and graduates who aim to stand
in their divine purpose is this:

“If I could give any advice, it would be to not allow yourself to back away from opportunities out of fear! Fear is natural and normal when starting a new path of healing and/or becoming a brand new entrepreneur. This can be a challenging and sometimes scary experience, however, we must not allow fear to be what guides us, or else we may not ever achieve our greatest potential. I love the saying "feel the fear, and do it anyway" - this is definitely easier said than done, however the more we do what we are afraid of, despite the fear, we become more confident in ourselves, and the less afraid we will be to get out there and shine.”

All this infectious inspiration working up your appetite? If you are tempted to try out one of her tasty smoothies or bowls, you can connect with Cameo at www.facebook.com/foxyfruitbowls and www.instagram.com/foxyfruitbowls. She currently serves customers through catering, serving at local events, and will soon be opening a shop later this year where she looks forward to serving bowls to souls on a daily basis.

Learn More About Our Holistic Nutrition Programs

Topics: transformational, Life Coaching, holistic, wellness, Holistic Nutrition, Nutrition Coaching, Urban Farming, Hypnotherapy, Healthy Eating, organic, health, Smoothies, Alternative healing

About the Author Zoey Sigmon

Not only has Zoey been both a student and instructor at SWIHA, she is currently our Blog Coordinator and Editor. When she isn't serving SWIHA, Zoey is an intuitive empath and spiritual coach, whose work connects individuals to the divine guidance and unconditional love that awaits them in every moment from Universal energy. As a Reiki practitioner, crystal healer, and sound healing practitioner, Zoey uses her gifts of clairvoyance, healing, and empowerment, to help individuals step into their purpose, gain clarity on their lives, and find fulfillment and abundance in all forms. In her free time, she enjoys long boarding, playing the ukulele, partaking in some outdoor yoga, and sampling new vegan cuisine with her husband. Connect with Zoey by emailing her at zoey@swiha.edu – especially if you are a #SWIHA #GreatGraduate doing great things in the world! Or, if you have a BLOG article you would like to have featured on the SWIHA BLOG site.

Zoey Sigmon

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