Written by StevieAnne Petitt
In 2012, Christa Rimmer was desperately searching for something, but she couldn’t quite grasp what she was missing or searching for. In a state of curiosity and courage, she ventured out on a series of first-time experiences, including a trip to Sedona, diving into the practice of meditation, and sessions with both a psychic and a hypnotherapist for a past-life regression. She felt restless in wanting to know everything and to truly find what resonated with her. She claims that she felt awakened, but lost, for nearly two months following these new events. As she was finishing up her bachelor's degree in Psychology at ASU, she quickly became disenchanted with the idea of continuing on. Christa jokingly shared that in hindsight, she knew she was onto a new path when she excitedly mistook her curriculum’s Astronomy class for Astrology.
Disenchanted with the path she was on and seeking something more, Christa allowed spirit to guide her to SWIHA
One day during this transitional time frame, Christa’s co-worker approached her desk after regular talks about essential oils and her other newly acquired “toys” Christa received from Sedona. This included a pendulum she named, “Pendy” that everyone else in the office was well aware of. As Christa mentioned college and her recent inner conflict with staying, her colleague stated those magic words, “Hey, you should check out SWIHA. That's where I went for my yoga training.” Christa didn’t hesitate one bit, and immediately researched the school online. She joked, “All these months there was an X-men school for me and you didn't even tell me?!” Three days later, she was meeting with SWIHA Staff member Janelle Erikson to continue with enrollment.

Staying true to her original calling to serve others as a professional in psychology, she found much peace and alignment in the Mind Body Transformational Psychology Degree program offered. Christa went on to say, “I have always been passionate about psychology and human development. Obtaining a degree in mind-body transformational psychology has only deepened my passion for it. I am excited to share hypnotherapy with others and my respect for this modality deepens each time I use it. I am amazed at the incredible results. I no longer feel like I am just scratching the surface. I feel like I am now able to support clients in digging deep and resolving issues at the roots. I know there are many people out there that need assistance. They are scared or lost and don't know where to start. I am passionate about being that bridge to support their journey.”
Now a graduate, Christa combines hypnotherapy, life coaching, aromatherapy, and Reiki into an integrative approach that supports clients wherever they are at. Her future ambitions include focusing on Spirit Releasement Therapy and house clearings. She’s found that as her practice continues to develop, these topics come up regularly in sessions and she feels called to provide these services.
In addition to her focus on sessions, she believes that her most common clients are those in that ”gap” space that she was in right before finding SWIHA. They are waking up and shift is coming at them left and right. They feel overwhelmed and know they need more meaning in life, yet they have no idea on how to get it. That is when she helps them cross over and into their ideal desired path. She affirms, “My compassion and humor is what most helps to put them at ease, making the scarier parts of life a little less scary.”
With a big smile on, Christa shared how being able to apply the skills she learned in SWIHA contributed to her current success as a practitioner. “I truly feel that I am blessed to have the knowledge that I do. I have so many different modalities in my bag. I feel like I am prepared for anything that might occur in a session. Preparedness. That is the gift that SWIHA gave me. My short term memory might kick in at times, but I know that my knowledge rests inside me...unwavering and ready to be called upon.” It all started with the realization that she had attended SWIHA to do the work on herself, which then made her an ideal guide for others seeking a similar type of resolve. “I was following what I thought I knew...a degree in psychology. I did not know there was another option. Once I found SWIHA, I quickly discovered a majority of the work done would be on myself. Where I was at the beginning of my journey is almost completely different to where I am now.”
“SWIHA provided a safe space for me to find myself and what I wanted for my practice.” -Christa Rimmer
Specifically, Christa shares that the idea of sacred contracts was one of the most valuable lessons she learned at SWIHA. “It has helped me to not only forgive myself, but to forgive others. It is also incredibly empowering to know I chose this life, these challenges.” She kids, “Wow, I must be really strong up there.”
For those who see similarities and sense a desire to experience a significant shift themselves, Christa offers that her clients can anticipate a session that embodies compassion and humor as the greatest tools in dealing with the scary shift that comes up on life's journey. “My gift is helping people relax and feel comfortable even in the midst of deep and dark things. My clients have repeatedly said they no longer felt lost or alone. They felt relief and hope, as they finally had someone that listened to them and understood.”

Her message for fellow peers is just as light-hearted. “It is better to be done than perfect. Perfection can keep you stuck in fear and inactivity. Perfection can stop you from sharing your gifts with the world. Oh yes...and laugh. Life is a shift storm and laughter makes it a whole lot smoother.”
Moving forward, Christa vows to continue her studies at SWIHA in any subjects that entertain and inspire her, namely, Toe Reading, the Social Media class, and any new classes that Linda Bennett offers on hypnotherapy. In addition, she also plans on auditing the classes in her program– a unique opportunity that SWIHA offers complimentary to those who have attended and completed said courses prior. She will intends on finishing up her psychology degree at ASU as well.
One of Christa’s most noteworthy and heart-warming testimonials was when she received a text from one of her clients that read, “Thank you for giving me my life back.” Christa remarked, “I have seen amazing growth and change in my clients and I always come back to that text. How awesome is it to be a vehicle for people to find their path and to discover their light? Seriously! Could it get any better?”
To connect with Christa and discuss any questions you have for her – or just to share in laughter and compassionate dialogue – she can be reached via Facebook under ‘Shifts and Giggles’, via Twitter @ChristaRimmer and soon on her blog at www.forshiftsandgiggles.com, as well as, her website www.christarimmer.com.
About the Author, StevieAnne Petitt
Guest Blogger
A current SWIHA student, StevieAnne is a published author and public speaker who uses comedic workshops to "Lighten up Enlightenment" - helping others find humor in their human experience and to allow us to relate with one another through laughter. Her love of humor and authentic dialogue is what earned her the position as Branding Strategist at Social Ally. There, she creates social media content that entertains, educates and engages audiences while displaying an authentic brand voice and presence for each of her clients. More of her professional blogs can be found at SocialAlly Blog