Dear Greater SWIHA Community,
As the new reality of social distancing, stay-at-home edicts, and increased pessimism has overtaken the media, we have become more committed than ever to stay energetically close and virtually connected.
Here’s what we are doing:
- All SWIHA and SWINA classes that can be offered online are being offered via Zoom.
- Student Schedules are being rearranged. As many of the academic and science classes as possible are being moved forward, with vital hands-on classes being rescheduled for when classes resume on campus.
- More make-up labs and group tutoring sessions are being offered virtually. We highly encourage students to take the time now to complete as many make up classes as possible. Student Services and the Academic Advisors are being very creative and proactive with what they can offer in terms of make-up projects.
- Yoga Students have the opportunity to complete their Observations and Practicums via Facebook Live or Zoom.
- One-on-One Student Coaching is available from our Success Coaches, Instructors, Academic Advisor and Leadership Team.
Here’s what we are doing on-campus:
- A small team of essential employees serve on campus, maintaining and respecting the social distancing guidelines.
- We have up-leveled our sanitation procedures. Many of the classrooms have been sanitized and locked and will not be re-sanitize and reopened again until we are ready to come back to campus.
- Students who come to campus to use the computers in the Success Lab or buy books are allowed in those areas only, which are then sanitized.
- Many staff members are working remotely and a small amount of the staff has been furloughed due to the lack of work due to COVID-19.
- We maintain a calm atmosphere with a commitment to watching our words and attitudes. #StayCalm #StayConscious #Stay Connected
Here are ways we are staying connected:
- Daily inspirational and education webinars are offered via FB Live on the main SWIHA Page. Click here to view the daily offerings.
- Two daily yoga classes of offered on the Spirit of Yoga Facebook page! Tune in at 9 am and 5:30 pm daily.
- Gifts and Graces was offered via FB Live featuring Success Coach James Patrick. Due to technical difficulties the presentation did not post on the main SWIHA FB Page. When you have a few minutes, please allow yourself time to benefit from this highly motivational presentation. See what James was referring to when he talked about SHIFT:
- S-show up and keep showing up!
- H- hold your vision with clarity.
- I – Invite your inner Warrior for strength in challenging times.
- F – Fully recommit and define the value of your goals.
- T – Transform or Transcend beyond where you once were.
In this last Friday’s Gift’s and Graces presentation, James Patrick referenced a quote from the late Mr. Rogers: When I was a boy and I would see scary things in the news, my mother would say to me, "Look for the helpers. You will always find people who are helping.
James compelling challenge was: “Become the helpers and healer.”
For nearly 28 years one of our motto has been: Let me be an instrument —not an ego — in the peace and healing up others! This continues to be our solemn vow.
Happy Easter. Let us stay connected! Blessings to all.