Around SWIHA you hear the word synchronicity used a lot. It seems that either right before people start coming here or after they have arrived they notice a coincidental occurrence of events in their life. There are stories of people daydreaming about a new career and then finding a SWIHA flyer in a parking lot. Also, things like hearing the words synchronicity or aura or manifesting and all of a sudden hearing those words all over the place such as emails, social media and books.
Here is another story about synchronicity and SWIHA. Two weeks ago there was a women’s event that involved journaling and sharing. One of the women shared a story about being afraid of the next step in her journey even though she is also excited and knows it is what she wants. Then she said “I am going to do it afraid.” She is not going to wait for those feelings to go away. She knows deep down that she needs to take that step for her mental, physical, emotional and spiritual health. She is going to do it afraid.
Then at the Spirit of Business Conference here at SWIHA, Aandra Bohlen, a SWIHA graduate, was one of the speakers. She talked about doing things in spite of fear and doubt. She urged everyone to do it scared. She suggested using the hashtag #doitscared.
There it was. Bam! Synchronicity at SWIHA. Now if you were at the Spirit of Business event and you are now reading this then you have just experienced it for yourself.

So, what are you scared of right now? What are you afraid of doing that will move your life and business in the direction you want to go?
Is it failure?
Remember failure is not the opposite of success, it is part of success. #doitscared
Is it social media?
KC Miller talked at Spirit of Business about how social media can be such a huge asset in your business. The connections you make can grow your business and also help spread healing and love. Reach out to Our Success Center to share your social media concerns and then tackle them. #doitafraid
Is it all of the things that can go wrong?
May McCarthy shared that everyone needs to make a huge effort to focus on what they want instead of what they don’t want. She also suggested they focus on Gratitude. The greater your gratitude the quicker spirit delivers. #doitscared
Is it not feeling clear about what you offer?
Get in touch with Will Zecco at our success center and he will help you get clear. He will help you figure out the single most important thing you want your audience to know. #doitafraid
Is it not knowing what the next step to take is?
Lori Losch was also one of the speakers and she is now an award winning author. She didn’t necessarily have this on her goal list but she always made a point of taking the next right step. Those steps have led her to creating a big beautiful life. KC Miller took it one “step” (lol) further and suggested that everyone take the next BRIGHT step. #doitscared
Are you ready to do it scared?
If you are then we want to hear about it!
Share on social media using the hashtags #doitscared and #swiha so we can cheer you on!
About the Author, Kerry Burki
~ SWIHA Success Center Blogger
Kerry Burki is Editor of the newly launched KERRY Magazine ~ a magazine that uses real women as models, supports small businesses, encourages you to feel beautiful as you are right now and even has a printable worksheet to help you go after your dreams! She been teaching yoga since 2004, currently teaches yoga + meditation at a local assisted-living facility near her home in Scottsdale, Arizona. Kerry has written two ebooks about self-care (one for everyday and one for creatives) and she has just joined the SWIHA Success Center Team part-time as a blogger, consultant and creator!