Many people think they can’t meditate. Maybe it’s not that they can’t meditate, rather the way they have been instructed to meditate doesn’t resonate with their Soul!
In the past, much of what was taught about meditation came from a restrictive mindset, often couched in needing to be more disciplined or committed to be a good yogi or person.
Restrictive meditation is a form of meditation where concentration is emphasized and epitomized. One is to focus on a singular object to the exclusion of all other thoughts. It can almost be described as the “sit down-shut up-suck up” approach to meditation. Clearing the mind of all thoughts is the guiding edict. And while the goal is to really experience whatever you are focusing on, whether it's your breath, a specific word, or a mantra in order to reach a higher state of being, the result is often a feeling of defeat because total concentration is almost impossible for most of us.
Invitational Meditation, on the other hand, offers a completely different approach.
Here’s the real benefit of Invitational Meditation — it’s an invitation. As a verb “invite” means to make a polite, formal, or friendly request to (someone) to go somewhere or to do something. Think of your meditation “someone” being your Higher Soul Self, aka your true BFF. When we practice befriending ourselves, we honor our Soul. While that might sound simple, meditation is simply an invitation to become our own best friend forever.
Invite yourself to spend quality time with yourself. Do it your way.
Consider your 2022 meditation mantra being something like this: My self-care is my Soul-care. Every day in some way I invite myself to know, accept and love myself better.
Is this calling out to your soul? Want to learn more? Join KC, who will be co-teaching the upcoming Monday/Wednesday evening Yoga Teacher Training Program starting January 26th, 2022.