How Annalissa Mourad Found Purpose and Confidence in Coaching

Posted by Jade Marvin on 10/10/24 4:00 PM

Annalissa's Passion as a coach is to help others move forward

Before attending Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), Annalissa found herself feeling lost and unsure about her future. She describes a time when she was simply living day by day, without a clear plan or vision for what was ahead. Life lacked direction, however, everything changed when she discovered the chance to help others through nutrition and holistic wellness with SWIHA’s Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching program.

Her decision to enroll at SWIHA came from a desire to make a meaningful difference in people’s lives. She was driven by the idea of helping others open their eyes to the impact that nutritional choices can have on both physical and mental health. The chance to guide people on their personal journeys toward achieving health and wellness goals became a calling she could not ignore.

The Path to Clarity

I don't know if there was really a defining moment for me. It was just all the little things that when pulled together made things clearer. I knew I was on the right path when my life began to change for the better” states Annalissa. As she worked closely with her classmates and saw the positive changes in her own life, it became clear that helping others was her true purpose.

Annalissa knew she wanted to support people in their own healing journeys by simply being a compassionate, listening ear. She found joy in helping others begin their paths, guiding them at their own pace while allowing them to set their direction. This empowering approach confirmed that she was exactly where she needed to be.

Personal and Professional Transformation

The changes in Annalissa’s life since attending SWIHA have been profound. The program’s focus on self-development challenged her to work on herself, giving her the strength and clarity needed to help others. “Before this program I didn't have the confidence in myself to put myself out there. Throughout the coaching program you have to work on yourself, doing a lot of work within so you are able to help others. You learn a new way to look at aspects of your life and everything around you.”

Professionally, Annalissa is starting to coach women with a focus on holistic weight loss, drawing on the tools and knowledge she gained through SWIHA. Personally, she continues her educational journey, always striving to expand the services she can offer her clients.

Building a Business with Purpose

Currently, Annalissa is in the process of building her business. Her motivation stems from a desire for flexibility—being able to set her own schedule allows her to be present for her four children. “Being a business owner does come with a lot of work yet it also gives me the freedom that I need, while still being able to do what I love” asserts Annalissa.

The greatest lesson she learned at SWIHA is to give herself grace. Annalissa realized that we are often our own harshest critics, and that mistakes are opportunities for growth, not failures. This newfound compassion for herself allows her to approach life with a gentler mindset.

Inspirational Teachers and Advice for Future Students

Annalissa recalls some of the most impactful teachers during her time at SWIHA were Sharlene Nordquist and Dr. Jaquie Leone, whose guidance shaped her journey. Her favorite classes included the nutritional courses and advanced coaching, which provided the foundation for her holistic approach to health.

When asked what advice she would give to future SWIHA students, Annalissa emphasizes the importance of keeping both the heart and mind open to all possibilities. Her own journey is a testament to the power of openness and the incredible transformation that can happen when we embrace new opportunities with grace and courage.

Help Others as a Health and Wellness Coach

Topics: Great Graduate, Holistic Nutrtion, Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach, Whole Foods Culinary Specialist, Holistic weight loss

About the Author Jade Marvin

Jade Marvin graduated with honors from Arizona State University with a BS in Business Digital Marketing. She is SWIHA’s Marketing Specialist who loves to write, dance, hang out with her friends and shop! When she’s not in the office, you’ll probably find her cuddling up with her cat & binge watching the latest show on Netflix.

Jade Marvin

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