At SWIHA, we know that pursuing any of the healing arts involves lots of growth and transformation and that personal healing must take place before a practitioner is able to facilitate the healing of others.
While it would be very convenient to only have to heal or grow just once in our lives, the process is constant and full of twists and turns. From intense classes during your education to emotional sessions when you step fully in to the role of Healer, you’ll always be called to expand and progress.
How exciting! And also: how exhausting!
As we celebrate Self-Love and Self-Care in February, we asked our commUNITY how they emotionally recharge after a particularly intense class or client session. Here are the top suggestions from SWIHA Healers:
Talk it Out
Keeping your thoughts bottled up could have an effect on your ability to react appropriately in the future, so it’s important to move the emotional energy of the experience by exploring your feelings around it.
“Reflect if you may feel responsible for your clients’ healing. Often when we feel responsible in some way, we give pieces of ourselves, rather than holding space for Divinity to heal the client,” is Hypnotherapist Cori Greener Roberts’ beautiful insight.
Some may be more comfortable journaling, while others process by calling up a friend. Whatever you choose to do, be sure to set the intention to ‘Let it come, and let it go’.
Nourish Your Body
“Eat some ‘Happy Foods’ that elevate your vibration, like oranges and pineapple,” offers Janell Erickson, who is a Toe Reader and Health Coach.
If you’re in an emotional funk, it may be tempting to opt for high fat, sugar rich comfort food. However, what you put into your body affects your physical well-being and overall psychological health. Research has suggested that carotenoids, found in fruits and veggies such as carrots, are linked to higher levels of optimism and that vitamin B12 boosts serotonin, which plays a role in regulating mood.
Put an emphasis on whole, minimally processed foods and use your intuition to choose what will support your needs. For example: Masala chai, salty foods and root vegetables are grounding, while fresh fruit and leafy greens work to uplift you.
Get Moving

“Do some kind of gentle movement like walking. Be outdoors, and also allow yourself to rest,” suggests Victoria Martin, Mind-Body Transformational Psychology graduate. Yoga, an outdoor walk, dancing or even simple stretching are all great options for releasing energy.
While it may seem impossible to do much of anything while you’re decompressing, you may find that you’ll process more efficiently while moving. Like a nutritious diet, physical activity triggers the release of serotonin, a vital piece of the happiness puzzle. Movement also helps increase clarity of thought, which will aid you in reframing negative experiences and discovering those hidden ‘ah-hah!’ moments.
Taking a walk around the block can help reduce any lingering anxiety, lower your blood pressure and boost your immunity. Invite a friend to join you, or create a playlist of mood-boosting songs to listen to.
Soak in a Theraputic Bath
“Take a hot epsom salt bath, light a candle, and put on some music that keeps your mind entertained,” says Melinda Salem Curtis, a Spiritual Coach and Hypnotherapist, “Watch your mind and remind yourself that you gave it to God and it doesn’t belong to you anymore.”
Epsom salt contains magnesium, a vital mineral that helps regulates mood, appetite and sleep--all things that can be thrown off-kilter after an emotional experience. It also can reduce inflammation, making it a helpful tool for Healers who have physical reactions to stress, such as skin or joint issues.
Adding essential oils such as lavender, bergamot and chamomile to an epsom salt bath can help increase its stress-relieving properties.
Healing Tools Available to You Through SWIHA
- Specialty clinics, including Polarity, Life Coaching and Hypnotherapy.
- The Massage Clinic and Spa SWINA
- Yoga classes at Spirit of Yoga
- Events such as SWIHA ha ha Laughter Club and Reiki Share
“The real warriors in this world are the ones that see the details of another's soul. They see the transparency behind walls people put up. They stand on the battlefield of life and expose their heart's transparency, so others can finish the day with hope. They are the sensitive souls that understand that before they could be a light they first had to feel the burn.”
― Shannon L. Alder