“I was led to SWIHA by my intuition and my growing need to help others live a healthier and happier life. I knew that our health and wellness needed to be more important than any of the other things we put first in our busy lives. To be honest, I did not have a clue where this would take me or what a “Health and Wellness Coach” was. Yet, I still followed my intuition and drive to be able to grow my own knowledge of holistic wellness and ultimately help others to start putting their health and wellness first!”
Tiffany Bourboulis, SWIHA Great Graduate of the Holistic Health and Wellness Coach diploma program with a concentration as a Mindful Meditation Facilitator, started her educational journey in February of 2021. Part of what sparked Tiffany to make a change in her life was the tragic event of losing a loved one just several months earlier in September 2020. She explains, “At this moment in my life, life had become too short not to take action to live it doing what fired me up with passion! I never would have guessed that through this journey I would have also healed and grown through this grief and ultimately become my true authentic self! I am beyond grateful for this experience and my time at SWIHA!”
More often than not, students that find their way to SWIHA not only experience the power of learning to help others, they gain the experience of learning and healing themselves. Tiffany had this very experience! “I had so many moments that I look back on knowing that they will forever change not only my student journey or even just my career path but MY LIFE path!” she continues, “If I had to choose one, it would have to be my first coaching session with my first client. The passion that was boiling over inside of me is like none I had ever felt! The breakthroughs that my client was having right before my eyes was exciting and a reassurance that what I am learning is what I need to be able to help others change their lives! This passion comes up every single time I am in a session with a client, and I walk away knowing that this is my life’s purpose!”
Starting a new adventure and going back to school can feel intimidating. Imposter syndrome and negative thoughts can begin to creep into the mind. “What if I am not good enough?” “Why me?” “What if I am not ready?” This can be a very common experience among those who are starting a new life path. For Tiffany, this was no different, however, she persevered and came out on top! Tiffany shares, “I showed up on the first day feeling like an imposter, filled with anxiety and self-doubt, living for tomorrow and the future. I now know that I am worthy and right where I belong! I live life in the present now and am thriving instead of just surviving. I see even the most mundane task as a beautiful opportunity to learn and grow!”
After graduation, Tiffany started her very own online business called Simple Serenity. Tiffany offers online Health and Wellness coaching, and is looking forward to adding new services soon! She is working on becoming a yoga instructor, as well as continuing reiki training. Her goal is to help women achieve their health goals so they can shine in all roles in their life!
“Personally, I am for once loving my life and living it to the fullest! I have a daily spiritual practice that fills my soul. SWIHA’s program has helped me understand what nutrition really is and how to feed our bodies so that they are fully supported and thriving. I have learned how to coach clients with a multitude of concerns and goals to grow into their healthiest and happiest lives! I also walked away with skills to become a successful entrepreneur. I have learned skills that help me stay grounded and mindful while working with clients and in my day-to-day life. I also have the skills now to facilitate the same mindfulness for my clients.”
Tiffany’s advice to any future SWIHA students is “Stay the course and trust the process! Even if you can't see the next steps in the journey I promise you the next step will be revealed in time. Just turn in the assignment no matter what your inner critic is telling you! You have all of the strength you need inside of you to see this journey through as long as you prioritize your schooling as a top priority!”
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Connect with Tiffany:
Facebook: Simple Serenity with Tiffany
Instagram: @simpleserenitywithtiffany