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How Kimberley Thomason Found Her True Calling as a Yoga Therapist

Written by Jade Marvin | 7/11/24 11:00 PM

Before SWIHA I spent a lot of time in a ‘poor me’ world. From the outside, it looked like I had everything. A wonderful husband, a great paying job, and a beautiful house. In 2021, my grandmother died and it made me look at myself differently. I wasn’t getting any younger… who do I want to be for the rest of my time on earth? I found SWIHA online and had the funds to make it happen. So, I signed up for the 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training program. I was doing this for me. At the end of my program, I realized that since what I had learned had changed my life, maybe I could help change the lives of others. Taking the YTT-200 was just the tip of the iceberg of my yoga journey. I had heard that there was a 1000-hour Yoga Therapy program, so I went all in! This changed the way I practiced yoga and life.”

Taking the time to look within, and evaluate what she wanted in life, Kimberley Thomason, chose to make a change. Enrolling in the Yoga Teacher Training program would change Kimberley’s life trajectory more than she would ever know! Once she started the program, Kimberley received confirmation that she was on the right path and in the right place when she started her first Yoga Body Psychology class. Kimberley shares, “This class opened my eyes to how I could help heal the body. My first goal was to help my parents!” Right from the beginning, Kimberley had the mindset of applying everything she learned to help others.

Not only did Kimberley utilize what she learned during her program to help others, she noticed many changes in her own life. Her perspective shifted from “poor me” to “What else can I learn from this?”. Kimberley expands, “I became much calmer and was able to work through some trauma, that I wasn’t aware I had. Each class and lesson brought me closer to myself. We are always growing, learning, and experiencing.”

Now that Kimberley has successfully finished the 1000-hour Yoga Therapy program, she has started her own LLC and created a website! Her business is called ‘Hearts Full of Yoga’, and she is seeing clients one on one and teaching Yin classes. “Yin has become my favorite to teach… group classes and one-on-one. I integrate my knowledge of Yoga Therapy to meet the clients where they are” asserts Kimberley.

Starting my own business just seemed natural to me. I get to set my hours and practice what I have learned to support clients. Some of the modalities I offer include Yoga Nidra, Yoga Body Psychology, Integral Breath Therapy, Yin, Somatic psychology,

Meditation in Motion, Bowls on Body and Gong, and so much more. When I finished the program, all of the classes came together as one giant Yoga experience. My goal in private practice is to help the clients grow from where they are.”

After losing her dear grandmother, Kimberley embarked on a journey that would change her life forever. Looking back on her journey, the greatest takeaway she gained was the life lesson of stepping away from the ego and learning to see things as they really are, not the way she thinks they ‘should’ be.

The most amazing thing that happened when I started yoga was the realization that I am not alone. I am grateful to have a community of like-minded people, and a calmness within.”