“My journey has been filled with ups and downs. Mostly uncertainty yet it has always worked out for my highest good. No matter what your journey looks like, trust the process, trust your intuition, and most importantly trust in yourself.” - Jasmyn Camp
Life for Jasmyn before she attended SWIHA was a bit chaotic, she describes. Like most of us, Jasmyn was searching for her passion and life calling. Jasmyn recalls having little to no guidance on this journey to her passion until the opportunity to attend SWIHA presented itself, and she jumped on it! Jasmyn Camp, a Great Graduate of the Life Coaching program states, “I'm passionate about life coaching because it puts me in a position to be able to make a difference in someone else's life.”
It is always reassuring and calming to know you are on the ‘right’ path in life, or to feel aligned with your calling. Jasmyn felt this feeling of confirmation when she noticed the coursework she was working on in her classes started aligning with where she was at in life. Jasmyn explains, “As I completed my assignments, I was being equipped with the tools I needed.”
After graduation, Jasmyn is now serving the community as a trauma coach, specializing in “helping burned-out moms heal from childhood trauma. I found passion and purpose through SWIHA.” Jasmyn wears many ‘hats’ in life, she wears the trauma coach hat, bookkeeper hat, and mom hat, all while keeping time for herself to stay healthy and create the life that she loves living.
Jasmyn owns and operates her own coaching business that focuses on helping people heal from childhood trauma. The name of her business is Jay’s Intuitive Life Coaching and Inspired Healing, LLC. By helping her clients heal from their trauma, they are able to transform their lives.
“We help our clients heal their trauma and transform their lives through a proven path of healing. I experienced my first encounter with childhood trauma at the age of five. From there, I spent over twenty years hurting and internalizing my pain. I was miserable. Because I was miserable, I was making everyone around me miserable. A year after my divorce, I was watching my sons play in the living room. It sparked a memory from my childhood of my brother and me playing.” she continues, “Around that time, I realized that I had done to them what was done to me. I didn’t want to make them responsible for my pain anymore. So I spent the next few years in therapy. Unfortunately, it wasn’t my saving grace. It left more questions than answers. So I researched and studied until I found what works for everyday parents like myself. After years of suffering in silence, I was finally at the point where I have healed my childhood trauma. I wanted to offer the same opportunity to parents just like me.”
Jasmyn has now created an eight-week program called The From Trauma to Triumph program that helps heal parents from their childhood trauma. During this program, parents work on healing their inner child so they can offer their own children a “childhood that they do not have to spend their adulthood healing from.”
While looking back on her time at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Jasmyn states, “SWIHA has offered me the tools and ability to be able to work through my issues and be able to assist others with theirs. Healing is a journey, not a destination. It's not about how long it takes you to get there as long as you learn how to enjoy the process.”
And lastly, Jasmyn’s advice to any future and/or potential SWIHA students out there
is “Focus on the why instead of the how. Why you're taking the courses you're taking, and why you want the certification or degree is more important than how it's going to turn out. Absorb all the information you can because it will be beneficial in the long run.”
Want to connect with Jasmyn Camp?
Instagram: @fromtrauma2triumph
Facebook: @fromtrauma2triumph22