If you are unfamiliar with Astro-terminology, Mercury in Retrograde, or more commonly known as Mercury Retrograde, is when the planet Mercury seems to be moving backward - from west to east. The areas of life that Mercury tends to rule are disrupted and can affect each of us differently. Mercury is the planet that rules communication, travel, and technology, and when in retrograde - life can seem a bit out of control. Mercury Retrograde is a time for channeling energy inward, reflecting, re-assessing, and rethinking our lives. We’ve already survived two retrogrades in the year 2021, and now- we are right in the middle of one! This final retrograde of 2021 started on September 27 and is lasting through October 18. Here’s what you need to do to make it through the rest of retrograde with ease, based on your zodiac sign (according to AstroTwins from Mindbodygreen).

- This retrograde is all about your relationships
- “Don’t take things at face value in your key relationships,” - AstroTwins
- Be mindful of what you say / Think before you speak

- Focus on your wellbeing & managing your stress levels
- Organization and self-care are your best friend right now
- Focus on fresh produce, supplements, hydration, and sleep

- Mercury rules Gemini, so don’t be caught off guard if this retrograde rocks your boat a little harder!
- This retrograde may affect your love and creativity
- If an ex shows up - don’t take their bait!

- This retrograde may affect your home life
- Work on not being defensive (or go on the offense)
- Steer clear of drama (especially at home)

- This retrograde may affect your communication
- You could have trouble “holding your tongue” - AstroTwins
- Try to avoid important work calls or emotional conversations

- This retrograde may affect your finances
- Mind your wallet! Be wary of spending
- Fiscal and security issues may arise - so stay aware

- This retrograde may affect your sense of identity
- Words may escape you- no need to go silent
- Rather, look inwards and consider your communication style

- This retrograde may affect your subconscious and imagination
- Look inwards, especially in touchy conversations
- Focus on becoming a better listener

- This retrograde may affect your ability of teamwork
- Focus on how to be a better collaborator
- Filter your jokes/consider your audience

- This retrograde may affect your professional life
- Time to exercise patience!
- Review and revise plans that may not be easily attainable

- This retrograde may affect your travel plans
- Double - no - TRIPLE check your itinerary!
- Make “just confirming!” your new mantra

- This retrograde may affect your emotions
- “If strong feelings come up for you, rather than getting lost, take a breath and pause to observe them,” - AstroTwins
- It’s not always that deep!
Don’t let this Mercury Retrograde deter you and affect your life to the point of destruction! Take charge and look within. Do what you need to do to get through this weird time - and so it is!
There are times when we all are in need of clarity, connection, and compassion, and we often look for someone to guide us in our process. To serve as an “Intuitive Guide” or “Intuitive Messenger” is to be deeply in tune with your higher self and your innate wisdom so that you may lead others to hear the truth buried within their hearts.
Once you have honed your gifts, you will be more empowered to serve as a coach, holistic entrepreneur, or spiritual teacher. SWIHA’s Intuitive Guide Certificate is a perfect program to help refine your gifts and help you offer additional services to your already established practice.
Next Program Start Dates:Online - November 8, 2021 |