How to be an Active Participate in Your Dreams with Sarah Jensen

Posted by Sarah Jensen on 9/5/24 4:00 PM


Our dreams hold so much information and healing…if we take the time to listen to them. Listen to them? I barely remember them. How am I supposed to listen to my dreams if I can barely remember my dreams? We remember our dreams by becoming active participants in our dreams.

How to record our dreams

We record our dreams to help us listen to our dreams. We forget so much of our dreams before we even start waking up. The little bit we do remember tends to be confusing and hard to understand. By the time we go to sleep and wake up the next morning, what little we remembered from the night before has already been forgotten.

I like to keep a notebook by my bed and something to write with. When I wake up in the morning I write down what I remember and how I feel that morning. Every two weeks or so I will read over all my notes. By doing this, it is a story that weaves itself together.

That story contains a wealth of information from our guides and loved ones on the other side. This is how we listen to our dreams to get the messages from our guides and loved ones.

So how do we learn to listen to our dreams? We do this by training our brains to be active and have a job to do each morning.

We like to have things to do. We are always doing something when we are awake because our conscious brain likes to have things to do…it wants to have a job. So, we give our conscious brain a job each night before we fall asleep.

Before falling asleep we tell ourselves that we need to remember a sliver of our dreams. This is how we teach ourselves to listen to our dreams. We give our conscious brain a job.

The benefits of listening to and recording our dreams

I have had many clients tell me, "I don't dream." We all dream, we just don't remember our dreams…because we are not actively listening to them.

I have my clients start their dream journal and the results have been impressive over the years. I recently had a client come back, whom I had seen three months before. At that session three months ago, she said she didn't dream. At our most recent session, she was so proud of her dream journal that she brought it in to show it to me.

When she first started with her journal it was just how she felt when she woke up. I could track her progress as it slowly became more and more about what she dreamt as she began the practice of listening to her dreams.

The benefit of learning to listen to our dreams is that we can get the messages we need from our guides and our loved ones on the other side. The veil between the worlds is thin and easily broken while we sleep. And our guides and loved ones always have something to tell us.

While we are sleeping, our subconscious brain is in control and it is much more open and receptive than our conscious brain. It is during sleep that our loved ones and guides send us our messages.

During sleep, we are resting and filing away the information from the day which is why the dream is sometimes hard to understand. For example, you may dream of an elephant in your living room. You wake up and spend the day thinking about why there would be an elephant in your living room. You go to sleep, wake up and the elephant in the living room is forgotten.

If you write down your dreams and read over the notes after a couple of weeks, the elephant in the living room suddenly makes sense. It may mean that it is time for you to take charge, live your life, and follow your true path. Being in the living room indicates that the guides are telling you that it is time to leave the house and go out there and live your life.

Impact of Recording Our Dreams

There is a reason for this. Your subconscious brain is in control while in your sleep state and your conscious brain is at rest. Our conscious brain likes to have things to do.

If you start the morning off by recording just how you feel when you wake, you are training your conscious brain that it has a job to do when it wakes up first thing in the morning.

Eventually, your conscious brain wants to do more work…so you start remembering those little snippets of your dream to write down.

Those little snippets that we remember eventually form a story for us to listen to, read, and learn from. These stories are messages from our guides and loved ones.

The conscious brain is full of doubt. It tells us we can't do things. On the one hand, this is wonderful because my conscious brain tells me that if I jump off a building I will not fly to safety. On the other hand, the conscious brain will tell us that we can't see or hear from our loved ones and guides on the other side, which holds us back from so much potential and spiritual growth.

The loved ones and guides can, however, talk to us in our dream state. The subconscious brain is much more open and receptive to our spiritual side and communication with our loved ones on the other side.

By practicing listening to our dreams, we can start learning how to decipher the messages that our guides and loved ones send us in our dream state.

Listening to our dreams and actively participating in our dreams is an incredible method to help hear your guides and loved ones and the messages they are sending to you. Our guides and loved ones only want the best for us, yet we are always on the go in today's world and it is hard for them to get their messages to us. But in our dream state, those messages tend to come through in a much clearer way… only if we remember and understand the messages.

Writing down our dreams is the way we can remember, hear, and understand their messages. Your notebook does not have to be fancy. You don't have to write a thousand-word essay on the dream. You just write down a few words and continue with your day.

Listening to our dreams is such a spiritual way to make those connections to our path in life. Learning how to listen and be present with the messages they send to us is how we grow, develop, and embrace our spiritual path and our life path.

Remember that this is not something that has to be perfect. It is something that should not be complicated. It should be you writing freely what you remember and how you feel. Keep it simple and allow the messages from your guides and loved ones to reach you.

Our dreams hold a wealth of information…yet we have to take the time to listen to that information. We live in a world that is always on the go. We always have to be doing something. It's hard for the guides to get those messages to us when we are constantly busy.

When they are trying to reach us during our busy, crazy, and hectic lives they often get a busy signal. During our sleeping state, our mind is relaxed, our bodies are relaxed and all lines of communication between us and those on the other side are clear and open.

Writing down our dreams, and participating in our dreams is a way for us to connect with those we love who are on the other side. We can get those messages of ‘I love you’, ‘I'm proud of you’, and the encouragement we need to live our true life path.

Follow Your Heart

Connect with Sarah Jensen

Website: http://www.mysticdreamsbysarah.com/ 

Facebook: Mystic Dreams by Sarah

TikTok: @MysticDreamsbySarah

Instagram: @MysticDreamsbySarah

Topics: Dreams, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, SWIHA Students, Dreams and Metaphors

About the Author Sarah Jensen

Sarah Jensen is a SWIHA Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner student who has started her own business ‘Mystic Dreams by Sarah’. Sarah has a passion for watching her clients learn and grow on their spiritual journies.

Sarah Jensen

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