After several years of emotional and physical struggle to complete her Bachelors from ASU in Design Studies, Natalie found herself sinking into a feeling many recent grads become mired in. She was uncertain of her path, worried that she had wasted mountains of money and years of her life on an unfulfilling career path, and couldn't see through the fog of fear that began to form around her. She knew on a visceral level that her soul longed to express itself creatively. However, no plan that she was able to forge in her mind painted a picture that she felt truly passionate to pursue. The only thing she knew for certain was that Corporate America would never be her home, and that she was determined to become her own boss. Sadly, like a self-fulfilling prophecy, Natalie wound up in a call center after graduation and could feel her happiness slipping away each day.

Later 2011, after a series of “rock bottom moments,” Natalie decided to turn her attention toward her health and wellness to try and recalibrate, by participating in a 30-day hot yoga challenge with friends. Though she had previously practiced informally, this was her first fully-immersive experience into the world of yoga. “Throughout the 30 days, in addition to physical changes, I noticed a huge difference in confidence, my emotional stability, and my outlook on life. I started to see glimmers of my true self shine through and I felt more comfortable to act goofy, to talk openly, and to express myself more freely. This liberation and personal freedom planted a seed of love for yoga that I continued to water and watch grow.”
This, in conjunction with the discovery of a more conscious and creative community of like-minded individuals in the Arizona festival scene, helped Natalie finally feel ready to persevere down a new path. She enrolled in SWIHA’s 200-hour Yoga Teacher Training Program. It was there that Natalie found her home. She continued on to complete SWIHA’s 600-hour Yoga Teacher Training, specializing in Sound Healing, Hatha Gong, and Aromatherapy.
Natalie is now a seasoned yoga instructor at different studios across the valley, and the proud owner of Yoga Freq, a mobile yoga and sound healing business. “The idea for Yoga Freq started with my combined love of Yoga and sound healing and a desire to create a bigger relationship between the two. While the name is a bit of a play on words using a 'q' to imply 'frequency', it also stemmed from my desire to offer a Yoga experience where people could come as they are, embrace their quirky qualities, and let their ‘Freq flag flow’.”
Why is this message of unabashed self acceptance so personal to Natalie? As she describes it, she has always been a bit different and out of this world. This was something that she attempted to fully embrace as a child, yet somewhere along the way, she began to hide her true self away from the world. “Growing up with bright, red, furiously curly hair, pale skin, and an over abundance of freckles made me an easy target throughout my school days. In addition to looks, I had a very different way of viewing the world. I was blessed with an open minded beginning with out any predetermined religion or belief system, for which I am incredibly grateful. I grew up with no preconceived notion as to how the world works or how things came about. However, my curiosity and desire to explore and learn about the world and life itself was usually met with hate, frustration, and ridicule. Between my looks, my quirky personality, and my beliefs, it became hard to open up to people. I let go of my true self and shoved what was left inside a mold that would be more appealing to my peers. From someone who spent many years trying to fit a mold, Yoga restored my confidence and offered a space for me to embrace the weird, and that’s what I aim to offer others.”
The message she shares through her yoga instruction and healing modalities is not only transformative and restorative for Natalie to facilitate. Her students also feel a profound connection to her and benefit deeply from experiencing her guidance and grace. Natalie now collects compliments, accolades, and even gifts of gratitude from her clients regularly, though nothing compares to the joy she feels in her ability to serve others.“Knowing I am able to provide a deep level of release and surrender is incredibly rewarding, as that is part of what started my passion for the healing arts. There is nothing more rewarding than applying what I have learned at SWIHA in a way that helps, heals, and empowers others. I love to know that what I do makes a difference and that I am able to hold space for each and every transformation that takes place.”

Here at SWIHA, we are humbled to have been a part of Natalie’s journey to self-love and fulfillment. Of her time at SWIHA, Natalie had this to share: “I would say SWIHA sparked a huge change in my perspective of self and shifted me into a mindset of self-acceptance. After many years or being afraid to show my true colors, I realized that the only thing holding me back from standing in my power was me. I had become my own hardest critic and throughout my time at SWIHA I was able to break that pattern and become more accepting of myself and all my imperfections. While its not always easy to love everything about myself, I make the choice everyday to accept and be at peace with everything that makes me, both my darkness and light.” SWIHA is so honored to continue to welcome Natalie through our doors as she furthers her education with complimentary modalities, including our Thai Yoga Class and our Western Herbalism Program.
She had this sage advice to offer new Healing Arts Practitioners and future SWIHA grads: “Don't let fear hold you back! Step out of your comfort zone and dive head first into your passions; everything else will follow suit. Don't have the “one day I will...” mentality, instead, live as though you have already accomplished your goals and I guarantee you will manifest just that.
When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”
~ Wayne Dyer
If you are interested in awakening your inner Yoga Freq, check out her weekly Tuesday night event at Yoga at Jayarr's (, or connect with her on social media at and For private instruction and healing, email her at
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