Journey of a Graduate: How Sabra VanHorn LaPato Found Her Purpose in Healing

Posted by Jade Marvin on 8/8/24 4:00 PM


What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?

Prior to SWIHA, I was a career tattoo artist, a single mother of two, and a laundry list of health issues that were lessening my quality of life until November of 2021. In November of 2021, I suffered a series of seizures while in the shower with multiple falls. I could not walk, talk, eat, or breathe without assistance. 90 days after that fateful evening, I was diagnosed with a rare neurological condition called Functional Neurologic Disorder with Extreme Autonomic Systems Dysfunction. In layman’s terms, the right and left hemispheres of my brain were no longer communicating properly, and my brain was no longer communicating with my body. A body designed to be automatic, I would have to learn to operate manually (consciously). 

When I enrolled at SWIHA in April of 2022, I was still in the throes of health. American medicine has little to no information, research, treatment, or anything to aid those who are affected by FND. With a strong will to live life to the best of my abilities, I sought out ways to heal myself and I found SWIHA’s Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner program. If the current medical fields couldn’t help me, I was and am determined to help myself and in turn, help others. My passion for this field comes from that very thing, the lack of knowledge, resources, and aid to those with conditions not yet understood.

Is there a “defining moment” you’d like to speak about? When did you know that you were on the right path?

The most prolific moment while in attendance with SWIHA that really hit home that I am on the right path was the day my ordination was in view. I was not raised religious, or spiritual and the idea of vowing to be of service through the Creator gave weight to the path that I am on. I remember one evening in particular, as I was preparing for the ceremony, during meditation I bowed to the ground and stated, “I surrender. I shall be still, so that I may know. Show me what it is I am to know.” I was flooded with emotion and bright revelation. I felt my physical body relax, my spiritual body unravel, my emotional body burst open, and my thoughts became clear. I was shown that all the pain, heartache, suffering, and loss that I had experienced in the first 35 years of my life now, and forever will, be of purpose. For one, to heal others they must heal themselves. In order to guide others, their compass must be their true north. I knew at that very moment that the Grace of God would lead me and that I was destined for this path from the moment of my first breath.

How has your life significantly changed?

My life has significantly changed in the way that I am not the same as I was prior to graduation. I am able to walk, talk, eat, breathe, and truly live life rather than survive it. I am able to experience joy for the first time, presence, calm, stillness, safety, and most of all, love. I have better mindfulness of my life, myself, my behaviors, energy, and more. My days are no longer spent in the whirlwind of chaos and trauma, rather meditation, presence, and enjoyment. Healing is a journey and I am far from healed entirely, however, this program gave me hope with real-life, measurable progress that fuels my spirit to be the healthiest most well, and authentic self that I am capable of achieving. My connection with my family is deeper yet lighter and my connection to the Divine is my anchor and flight in all ways.

What are you up to now—professionally and personally?

Today I can be found enjoying life and all that it brings. I am the founder of Haus of Healings LLC an online healing arts collective that is in its infancy where we will collaborate with healing arts professionals to offer courses, practicals, sessions, support, resources, and more. I am also in the recording stages of a podcast with a fellow SWIHA graduate, titled ‘From Hel to High Regard’; Where the Truth about Being Human and Healing, gets real. Personally, I spend my days in meditation, and movement, spending time with my two kids and life partner, snuggling with our animals, and looking forward to the summer spent on our boat.

What inspired you to start your own business? What services do you offer? How do you powerfully impact clients? How are the skills you learned at SWIHA supporting your work?

I am the owner of Haus of Healings LLC, an in-the-works healing arts collective, as well as creator and host of the podcast (yet to be launched) ‘From Hel to High Regard’; a lifestyle podcast where the truth about being human and healing, gets real. Both of my parents were business owners and I knew from a very young age that I would prefer to be in business as an entrepreneur. I opened my first business at the age of 28. It was a tattoo shop, barber shop, and salon all in one—the first of its kind. When I had to close due to my health, it was a hard blow. I was devastated and feared I would not be able to sustain a business.

SWIHA’s program reignited that passion and taught me that not only can I run my own business, I can do so in the ways that I am capable of doing so. It taught me that exactly who we are and where we are in life is exactly where we are meant to be and that we should be able to mold our lives to that current reality. So rather than being bummed out on days where pain is present or fatigue takes hold, I accept it with gratitude and work from bed, or voice record rather than write. SWIHA taught me that every person has a path and that path doesn't have to resemble anyone else’s, to embrace my personal creator.

With Haus of Healings, we plan to offer a variety of services that will be subscription-based and completely online. We will also be offering a pay-as-you-can option for those who are in hard times or do not have the resources to pay at the moment. There will be a group session covering topics from trauma, coping, breathing, prayer, energy work, and shamanic circles. There will be practical applications people can utilize to deepen their understanding, expand their minds, free their spirits, and reconnect to their truest selves. The podcast is where we share our interests, thoughts, research, and more. Marketing will be done through social media platforms, mainly Instagram, YouTube and TikTok. Future plans include having a retreat-style setting where people can come to enjoy the physical and spiritual aspects in person through ritual bathing, sacred ceremonies, plant medicine, and community activities.

What was the greatest lesson(s) you learned while at SWIHA?

Life is truly what you make of it and when you build a life consciously, it is far better than your old self could ever imagine. I learned that no matter where I am in life, be it joy or pain, it is purposeful. That everyone experiences pain, yet suffering is a choice. I learned that having a higher power truly changes your entire life. You’re never alone. That healing is not linear and it can be messy, yet so worth every moment of it. People can feel, hear, see, smell energy, meet the Divine, and communicate with energies and beings from beyond the veil and into the ether. The greatest lesson of all is that I am exactly as I am meant to be.

If you could give advice to future SWIHA students, what would it be?

To future SWIHA students and currently enrolled, I say to you… Don’t give up. You are here in this program for a reason and there will be times when life challenges you, your health challenges you, your ego and the opinions of others, will challenge you…do it anyway. However that looks good for you. Whether you are writing papers from the comfort of your bed, bringing in family or friends to practice with, or utilizing the modalities to heal yourself, just do it, and don't be afraid to seek help. The administrators, educators, staff, and fellow students are truly a community that wants nothing more than to witness your achievement and will do all that they can to support you on this journey and long after. Your highest self is waiting to shake your hand and hug you big.

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Topics: Great Graduate, integrative healing arts practitioner, IHAP, Spiritual Coach and Celebrant, Modern Spirituality

About the Author Jade Marvin

Jade Marvin graduated with honors from Arizona State University with a BS in Business Digital Marketing. She is SWIHA’s Marketing Specialist who loves to write, dance, hang out with her friends and shop! When she’s not in the office, you’ll probably find her cuddling up with her cat & binge watching the latest show on Netflix.

Jade Marvin

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