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Journey to My Health Discovery

Written by Christine Sipes | 6/6/23 11:00 PM

At the age of 40, is when I noticed I was feeling tired, not just lack of sleep tired, it felt like fatigue, just plain exhaustion. As the year went on, I noticed I was missing sleep during the night, waking up between 2-3 am constantly, and this led to just not feeling me. I was moody. My stomach hurt with everything I ate and was nauseous when I woke up. My body ached, my skin was red and I was getting adult acne. My body was calling for my attention. I felt like each month - year added a new symptom. It was robbing me of life. My mind keep spinning why was this happening to me, and can I feel better again?

This lead me to my Primary Care Physician (PCP) back in Washington state and the discovery of being told I had fibro-myalgia at 41. My PCP told me to take some Vitamin D and hope for the best. I was in shock and felt so lost and very alone. I wanted to feel better so I saw a naturopathic doctor. I did some tests and found out I had some food sensitivities. I cut out those foods that were bothering me and started on some supplements. I started to feel better on the supplements with added acupuncture. I was taking liver supplements to help with toxins, antivirals like Quercitin, Vitamin B, and zinc. Reducing stress also played a big role in feeling better. Two and a half years later I was pretty stable and moved to Arizona. Life got stressful. I was missing my adult children, I had started school and bought a house. I ended up getting Covid and BAM; I got worse. I got depressed, angry, and sad. I was so tired I could not concentrate. I feel like I lost the luster for life and could not find a happy for me. I was suffering.

My mind kept asking ‘What is wrong with you?’ ‘Why are you not okay?’ ‘Be happy’. ‘Get up and go’; ‘you are not tired’. I felt crazy. I decided it was time to find a naturopathic doctor here in Arizona. This led to a diagnosis of Epstein Barr Virus, hyperthyroidism, leaky gut, and adrenal fatigue. All this hit me hard. And how was I going to ever be okay?

I have now started on some new supplements for EBV. Waiting on some new lab tests for SIBO and my gut, as well as, adding in meditation and lots of prayers. Making sure I try and stress less. I am eating a Low FODMAP diet, and in the process of taking one symptom at a time. Do I feel better? Kind of! Will I feel better? I sure hope so. Right now this is how I am maintaining my mental and physical health.

My journey is far from done, and I have a long road ahead of me but these health issues led me to a life change. Not only to better my health, it also showed me that I wanted to help others be the best version of themselves. And this is why I became a holistic health and wellness coach; to help others seek their truth; stand up for their health and change their lives. This is not an easy road, yet it is a journey to self-discovery that makes me who I am and it can make you who you are and want to be!

Keep shining bright and be the best you - because you matter,
