Keta Baker is a true #GreatGraduate and the testimony of her journey is as divinely guided as she is. Keta’s story begins with her questioning the universe, “One Saturday afternoon in 2012, my sister brought me to this Italian restaurant in Phoenix. We pulled up to the restaurant and out of my mouth came the words, ‘This is a nice place to have my life coaching business housed in.’ This was followed by me looking up and saying, ‘What?’ . . . ‘What life coaching business?’” What Keta Baker didn’t fully understand at the time was that she was getting ‘downloads’ from Spirit.
Humbly, Keta explains, “I began to get these downloads of a whole business plan and what I was to do to help others as a Life Coach. I didn’t have anything to write on, so as soon as I got inside of the restaurant, I grabbed several napkins to record what I knew was God’s plan for my life. That evening I Googled what a Life Coach was and began searching for schools where I could learn to become a Life Coach. I prayed for direction for the path the Divine placed me on. A few days went by and after diligently listening and looking, SWIHA, Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, came up.”
Keta quickly called the next day to schedule a tour of the SWIHA campus in Tempe, Arizona.
“When I walked in the main lobby, it felt like birds were singing, music was playing, and the sun was shining inside the building. The environment was so friendly and welcoming and provided this awesome feeling. I sat with an Admissions Coach and she went over Life Coaching and tuition for the program. When I left, my mission was to get $1800 so I could enroll in the program.”
“Time passed, and somehow I didn’t seem to come up with the money to take the Life Coaching program. A year later, I was at work and I received an email alert about a monthly event [SWIHA hosts], the first Friday of the month called ‘Gift and Graces.’ The voice, that I call God, began to speak to me and said, ‘Look at the courses.’ I replied, in a sassy-like-way, to the wee voice within, ‘I know what the school is offering and I don’t have the money to attend.’
Keta admits she is sometime guilty of arguing with God. In fact, she shares that she talks to God pretty boldly. After getting the same message three times to re-look at the courses offered at SWIHA, Keta actually said aloud to God in heaven, as she pulled up the SWIHA website, ‘Here it is, nothing’s different, nothing’s changed!’ Keta affirmed that when she talks back to the voice from above, the voice replies back equally direct. In this case the message was: “Look at the Courses.”

So, dutifully she pulled up the courses the school offered and with new eyes noticed the Associate’s degree courses for the Transformational Psychology Degree. Within the degree program, Keta realized, she could take Life Coaching and Spiritual Studies, along with other unique classes about things she had never known about. She had a deep-felt-sense she would need to more about these topics to serve in the way she was being guided to serve.
The Divine then began to say to me, reports Keta: “I need you to take these courses because you will meet many people on your path that will have many different mind sets, different ways of life and array of issues, and you will need all the tools that this school can offer you to assist you along the way.”
With such clarity she began to weep, she called the college and made another appointment, got the tour and was given information about the possibility of financial aid, if she qualified. Keta’s story has an especially happy ending; she qualified for Federal Financial aid, and her employer offered school reimbursement as well.
With true exaltation, Keta shared “God is so awesome. Once I got out of my own way, and listened to the voice that I understand to be God speaking to me, I got what I wanted and needed! In this school, you have to have an open mind. As a Christian woman, I had to do a lot of praying through some of the classes to stay aligned with my purpose. I figured, the good Lord guided me to this school and it was my responsibility to stay obedient and faithful in my journey to complete my degree. My life has been turned around and I now utilize all my life experiences to support, uplift, encourage and empower those that come across my path as I serve as a Life Coach.”
Keta continue to glow as she shares “I learned to be open-minded and work to remove judgment from my life. You never, never know who will come across your path, what they have gone through that makes them who they are now. AlI I can say is, ‘Thank you Lord’ for preparing me to serve others.”
With complete clarity, Keta reflects, “My life experience has perfectly prepared me to serve. I am my own walking billboard to the fact that transformation is possible. If I can step out on faith so can others. This is why I chose to complete an Associate degree in Mind-Body Transformational Psychology and why I chose the specific electives that I did. I am now ready serve in the way that I deeply know I have been called to do.”
Minister Keta Baker has launched her own LLC, appropriately named, Transformational Journey. “Under the umbrella of my company I am a Minister and I am a Spiritual Life Coach. Working with the Success Center at SWIHA, I chose to create a LLC to keep personal and business assets separate,” explained Keta.
When Minster Baker describes the type of clients that are drawn to her for Spiritual Life Coaching and Ministerial Services she shared, “I serve those seeking change in their lives, guidance and assistance about particular problems or issues, prayer and ceremonies. I pride myself in providing quality, compassionate coaching and ministerial services to enrich the whole person – mind and spirit, as well as provide memorable fellowship.”
“My approach focuses not just on the issue at hand, rather [it focuses] on the whole person - their spirit, and their complete emotional, mental, and physical well-being; in order to promote optimal emotional health, balance, harmony, peace, and clarity within. No issue is ever too trivial or shameful to discuss. Any and all problems and issues are professionally and discretely welcomed.”
As a Spiritual Life Coach, Keta Baker offers session’s in-person, telephone-coaching as well as email and text questions are available if that is what best serves the client. Coaching sessions may address life situations, circumstances, challenges or worries about family and friends, and other concerns. Other coaching services include value clarification, brainstorming, identifying plans of action, and examining modes of operating in life, asking clarifying questions, and making empowering requests or suggestions for action.
Throughout the working relationship, Keta engages in direct and personal conversations. The client must understand that successful coaching requires what she calls a “co-active collaborative approach between client and coach.” In the coaching relationship, Keta plays the role of a facilitator of change, yet it is the client's responsibility to enact or bring about that change.
“As a Minister, I look forward to coaching, performing marriage ceremonies and baptisms and continuing to walk in my purpose as God has ordained. I have learned to trust and depend in the guiding power of the Holy Spirit. My message from God is to inspire people to develop an intimate relationship with the Divine, while transforming lives from the inside out.

Encouragement is what is needed daily in society, due to the lack of it. Encouraging words help to rebuild a person. Assisting to transform lives by uplifting one’s state of being, encouraging one’s positive change and empowering one’s ability to change, are what I’ve been blessed with. This is my purpose and my focus with my clients. It feels great to use the education SWIHA has given me.”
Almost as a warning, Keta shares, “SWIHA is a school of change whether you like it or not. Whatever may have gone on in your life, it will surface here. Who you thought you were will be revealed and your true self will manifest when the veil is removed. I came into school thinking I knew who I was and left ‘knowing’ who I am and where I’m going! Life doesn’t come with instructions, however, when you walk in faith you are guided and equipped with all that you need to pursue your destiny. This school was a part of my destiny and I made sure I got all that I could so that I would be prepared to serve others.”
When asked to share a success story, Keta gleefully offered, “So far, in my journey, I have been able to assist and support others on their path.
Employed as a Field Service Consultant at an Insurance company, I am basically HR for the field agents around the world that work for my company. This last October, I worked with one of the agents, who was having a serious personal struggle. By staying on the phone for over an hour I was able to help him get through to our employee assistance program and get him the help he needed. I talked him to him and helped him calm down. He trusted me and I was honored to be part of his process. I was there to assist him and all the tools I had learned at SWIHA were activated to get him the help he needed. Everything happens for a reason. I thank God for daily guidance on my journey.”
Keta is continuously expanding her presence and voice online, sharing helpful tools and motivational content. Her website is under construction at the moment; however you can connect with her on Facebook:
‘Fabulous at Forty’ is the theme of Keta’s Facebook cover page because she truly believes her life has been fabulous every day for forty years. She fully embraces her mission and plans to serve in a Spirit-guided way for another forty-plus years. Blessings, blessing Keta Baker!
About the Author, StevieAnne Petitt
Guest Blogger
A current SWIHA student, StevieAnne is a published author and public speaker who uses comedic workshops to “Lighten up Enlightenment” – helping others find humor in their human experience and to allow us to relate with one another through laughter. Her love of humor and authentic dialogue is what earned her the position as Branding Strategist at Social Ally. There, she creates social media content that entertains, educates and engages audiences while displaying an authentic brand voice and presence for each of her clients. More of her professional blogs can be found at SocialAlly Blog