Making a Difference with Graduate Carrie Hall: Wanting to Help People Who Desire Change

Posted by Jade Marvin on 5/11/23 4:00 PM


For as long as I can remember, I have wanted to help others! It has held a deep space in my life and I have taken many different life paths to find just the right one! My intention as a child was to go to school to be a Psychiatrist, yet as life would have it I became a young mom and that desire was put on the back burner. I instead became a hairstylist; this is a career that I absolutely love and continue to hold space for. Fast forward 25 years and I became pregnant with my second child and that is when my calling changed! I became sober at 40, not drinking alcohol created a new awareness and a totally new space in my life, and realized I wanted to travel a different life path and move down the path to help others in similar situations! I started attending Southwest Institute of Healing Arts’ Holistic Health and Wellness Coaching program with a focus on Culinary Arts, and graduated with an "A" average in February of 2023! I feel as tho I have circled back to my initial desire as a child and I am now able to help anyone that is desiring change and want that path partner!

Before Carrie Hall enrolled into SWIHA’s program, she was in a place of unknown. She lacked direction and knew she craved a change in her life, yet, was uncertain of what that change would be or look like. Carrie did not know what her new path would hold until she scrolled on Facebook one day, coming across a post from a friend who was sharing information about SWIHA. Carrie shares, “The information she was sharing resonated with me and I felt as if I needed to learn this so I too could share it with others.”

The defining moment Carrie knew she was on the right life path by becoming a Health and Wellness Coach was, “When I offered a coaching session with a family member and was able to lead them into a better direction in their mental space and with their eating path as well. Through six sessions she was able to go from being very disappointed with herself and how she was living to a space of happy and content choices! She started eating better, working out, and feeling better.” Having that positive impact on others is such a rewarding feeling! Helping others is a life calling most if not all, SWIHA students share in common.

Reflecting back on Carrie’s time as a SWIHA student, Carrie realized that a lot of what she had learned in school would not only propel her career, it would propel her in life. Most of the things she was learning in coaching classes, also applied to her personal life too. Carrie explains, “My life has changed because I have learned healthy ways to navigate troubled waters. Life is not always easy and learning how to get through the difficult times in positive ways has been very rewarding. I have learned new ways to meditate and be able to offer these techniques to my clients.”

The greatest lesson I have learned is to listen only to myself. I have always been a people pleaser, trained to listen to others, not myself. Doing what others have asked of me only has brought me heartache. Trusting myself, my intentions and my knowledge is my greatest takeaway. That still small voice you hear when making life decisions is the one you should go with. I also was so glad to learn how to cook! This was the most difficult for me! This has had a tremendous effect on my life!

Now having graduated from her program, Carrie Hall is refining what her next steps will be. She is currently working as a Realtor as well as a hairdresser. However, Carrie shares that the tools she learned in school - she applies to her everyday life and work. Carrie plans to continue to grow and generate her business for her Health and Wellness Profession. Carrie has created a website called Sante Holistique, where her coaching services are available! “I think it has been a great journey and one I needed at this point in my life and hope this will benefit me and my son and anyone else I come in contact with” asserts Carrie.

Carrie’s advice for any future/potential SWIHA students is “To be open-minded about the process and take it all in the good with the bad. Take into stride how the instructors teach. If something resonates with you - that is pointing out an area you need to work on. If triggers arise, those are areas you need to work on to help others with similar triggers. You were guided here for a reason. Take the good with the bad and learn from every experience.”

Connect with Carrie Hall


Facebook: Carrie Fringe

Instagram: @Fringey15

Website: https://santeholistique.us/

Topics: Holistic Nutrition, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Whole Foods, Mindfulness, Online student, Nutrition Specialist, Holistic Healh and Wellness Coach, Health and Wellness Coach, Mindful Meditation Facilitator, Whole Foods Culinary Specialist

About the Author Jade Marvin

Jade Marvin graduated with honors from Arizona State University with a BS in Business Digital Marketing. She is SWIHA’s Marketing Specialist who loves to write, dance, hang out with her friends and shop! When she’s not in the office, you’ll probably find her cuddling up with her cat & binge watching the latest show on Netflix.

Jade Marvin

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