When Melissa Moreno enrolled in the Mindfulness and Guided Imagery Facilitator program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, she was in a very difficult period of her life.
“I was in an unhappy living situation, with no life purpose, and I desired to be a self-sufficient single mom,” she tells us, “I had quit my corporate job of six years and moved to Mexico to live in harsh living conditions with my kids. I was running from an abusive relationship. I felt sick, anxious, and tired of the demands of my corporate job, and I was soul searching.”
It was that trying time that led her to discover visualization techniques and meditation, as well as seek out a Life Coach.
“Through our brief work together, I felt much more grounded, and began the journey of loving myself completely,” explains Melissa, “Ever since experiencing the work my coach did, and how much it improved my life, I was sure that I was meant to make this my lifestyle as well as empower women to discover their personal power through spirituality and meditation.”
During the decision-making process and enrollment period, Melissa received nudges and an inner-knowing that she was meant to study at SWIHA.
“The enrollment process was so simple. I felt fully supported and the financial aid and online classes made all of it possible for me. I knew that I was on the right path when, on the first day of class, we were instructed to meditate each day for a week and log our time. We were guided and instructed on how to take care of our heartmind,” Melissa continues, “I never knew there was a college for that. In that moment I knew I was ‘home’.”
Melissa says that her program taught her how to be a “lifelong meditator”. She enjoyed being guided step-by-step through the phases and styles of meditation: “I not only learned how to practice and deliver different styles of guided meditation in session, but I also learned the scientific research and practical reasons behind the benefits of meditation for our brain, gene expression, and our physiology,” she explains.
Melissa says her life is now completely different: “I gained the courage and calmness to leave the unhealthy relationship and focus on my self-growth completely. I am fully present in my life. I am calm, centered, grounded. I am able to see situations differently. I have cultivated a sense of peace within, and I have compassion for others like never before. I no longer experience anxiety, PTSD symptoms, or depression. I no longer experience car sickness. I no longer emotionally eat. I have healthy relationships, self-compassion, and healthy boundaries. I have lost thirty-five pounds of emotional eating weight just from eating and moving my body mindfully.”

In her personal life, Melissa now describes herself as a “completely fulfilled mom, full of joyful activities” and tells us: “I dance every day with a group of women. I reconnected with an amazing man and we became engaged this year. We enjoy going camping together, hiking, off-roading, walking at the beach, and being mindful.”
Professionally, Melissa is so proud to help women who struggle with depression, self-worth, and a scarcity mindset from all over the world through her online private practice, Imperfectly Vibrant. “It is such a pleasure and deep honor to serve women who need support in their life just like I did,” she says.
She explains: “I wanted to create an online space that spoke to women who felt ‘broken’ or ‘flawed’ and help them realize that they can embrace their shadow side and still be completely vibrant! I empower women to rediscover their personal power, confidence and success through providing online coaching programs and digital courses about Body Positivity, Money Mindset, Self-Compassion, Goal Setting, and surrendering to the spiritual laws of the Universe. I utilize the tools that I learned at SWIHA in teaching my clients how to remain present to their emotions, hold compassion for themselves and others, and learn practices for creating a more mindful and healthy lifestyle. I host the free group: Imperfectly Vibrant on FaceBook, where I educate and inspire women through free challenges and video trainings.”
Melissa invites you to subscribe to her e-mails at ImperfectlyVibrant.com or reach out to her directly at melissa@imperfectlyvibrant.com. She also invites you to join her Facebook group, Imperfectly Vibrant and like and follow Imperfectly Vibrant on Facebook and Instagram!
Melissa leaves us with this inspiration: “If you are aspiring to become a SWIHA student, I want to ask you: what's holding you back? What happens to the people who need your help if you don't pursue this? You are here for a reason. Don't ignore that. This could be the change that you and so many people in your life need. Remember that we are all connected and all of your actions (or lack of action) create a ripple effect in others lives. It's time to start following your intuition!”