If you were to pinpoint Nancy Santana’s philosophy on life you could use her Pinterest description: “I am an empowerment lifestyle spirit junkie -- loving anything mind-body wellness! I love holistic… intuitive…spiritual! I am the founder of the #chooseLOVE movement and The Lotus Wellness Center. Follow me!”
Nancy Santana was going through some major transitions and shifts in her life when a friend first told her about SWIHA. “I had transformed my body . . . yet something was missing and that was the mind-body-spirit connection,” shared Nancy, who recently completed the Mind-Body Transformational Psychology program at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts. Her passion for this program developed from deep within her soul. She recalled how she lit up when first saw the list of Spiritual Studies courses that were part of her program:
“I believe that my Spirit fired up my passion. In everything that I do, I am mind-body-Spirit aligned to help heal others in an empowering way. My passion is to guide others towards a transformation of their own, a shift in their consciousness.”
~ Nancy Santana
Her business name is Nancy Santana Enterprises, and she offers her services as a Life Coach, Reiki practitioner, Hypnotherapist, Intuitive Card Reader, Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner. Based out of Lehigh Acres, Florida, she offers these services in various ways, whether its in-person, via telephone, email, Skype. Her initial motivation for starting her business was to become a ‘Spirit-entrepreneur’. “Sharing my light and love with the world is my soul’s purpose.”
One of Nancy’s unique offerings is Sisterhood’s Sacred Healing Circles. These empowering healing circles are designed to awaken "the remembering" of what we once knew and share with our amazing community of women in a safe and loving space. The intention for all that Nancy does is to be to in a state of gratitude, for one another through the sacred connection. The healing circles she facilitates for women help Nancy, as well as all those draw to these support-group-like circles to experience and stay in deep gratitude for everything in life.
Nancy often poses a deep question: “Are you living in a state of gratitude?” She teaches: “There is power when you live in gratitude. The movie ‘The Secret’ taught me some important things -- All our thoughts become things. What you focus on that is what you will attract in your life! Living in a state of gratitude means your thoughts should be on being grateful for the things you have NOW. By living in this state of being....the universal law of attraction says that we will attract into your life the things we focus and think about ....if your thoughts are on lack (negativity) you will attract that. When your thoughts are on your many blessings than the universe says let’s give more things for them to be grateful for......so remember GRATITUDE attracts what we want.”
Some of the tips Nancy gives to those she works with to help them live in a state of GRATITUDE are:
1) Keep a Gratitude Journal - Every day set some time aside to write down what you are grateful for today. Big or small, we all have things each day we can choose to be grateful for.
2) Use Visual Reminders - Use post-it-notes around the house to trigger feelings of gratitude. Put notes on your mirrors, on your refrigerator, in your wallet. Write positive affirmations like:
- I am grateful for my life.
- I am thankful for all the food I have in my refrigerator.
- I am grateful for the money I do have in my wallet.
- I am grateful for my business and the opportunity to put even more money in my wallet as I serve others.
3) Choose Gratitude Partners - If you hang around with negativity people then negativity is what you will "catch" ~ Make a conscious effort to choose to be around people that support a grateful attitude and lifestyle.
4) Change your Self-Talk – It is so IMPORTANT to change your self-talk!! Research has shown that we can change our mood by changing the tone of the things we say to ourselves. Say positive, uplifting, grateful things to yourself. Start your day with this positive affirmation.

I AM grateful for the many blessings coming my way today! I choose to have an attitude of Gratitude. I choose love.
Nancy’s message to other SWIHA grads who hope to follow in her footsteps is: “Follow your passion and purpose! It is so rewarding when what you've learned through your studies is applied in your own life and the results is that you become a blessing for a client or someone that you come into contact with. Consciously commit to part of your purpose being to become a blessing!”
When asked how SWIHA has changed her life, Nancy responded with this thoughtful answer: “My perspective of ‘me’ has changed dramatically. My inner being has healed, flourished, and blossomed as a result of my education at SWIHA. I see my life and my future crystal clear. All blocks and fears have been lifted. I am in the best health, mind-body-spirit.
I am fully committed to #chooseLOVE every day in every single thing I do. From this conscious choice, I will forever live a grateful life!”
Want to stay in touch with this motivational #GreatGraduate? Follow Nancy at the following links:
www.nancysantana.com | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | Pinterest
About the Author, Anthony Scarpulla
As a recent graduate of the University of Miami with a B.A. in Creative Writing and Journalism, Anthony Scarpulla serves as freelance Creative Copywriter. With a deep yearning to uncover the hidden, spiritual and esoteric realms of life and nature, Anthony aims to incorporate his passion into everything he loves, whether it’s writing poetry, music production and djing, to blogging, editing, and one day soon, healing work!