Need Motivation? Collected Wisdom for Entrepreneurs from SWIHA Graduates

Posted by Taylor Jablonowski on 9/16/19 3:00 PM


The journey of an entrepreneur is never linear – especially in terms of levels of motivation. Somedays we may jump out of bed, ready and willing to take on the world. We know we’ll succeed and we’re so excited! The next day, however, may bring feelings of doubt or impatience.

At Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, we believe in holding space for each point on the emotional spectrum. Today we want to share with you some inspiring stories from our graduates who have preserved and truly found their heart’s calling. Click the link above each photo to read their full story!

Victor Terrazas Assures You The Right Clients Will Come


“I have owned a business for the last eighteen years. I am no longer ‘afraid’ of the shifts that happen with businesses. I take the shifts with stride, and approach them with mindful manifestations. All businesses require clients and customers to stay afloat; I find that now I look at my business from the standpoint that the right clients will come. I've put a lot of blood, sweat and tears to making the business what it is today, and I now approach it with beginner's eyes, a desire to continue to learn and support the team of therapists that work with me.” Victor Terrazas, Life Coaching & Mindfulness and Guided Imagery graduate

April Sanchez Encourages Finding Clarity of the Self


“My favorite, and most profound question I ask clients is, ‘Who is [Client’s Name]?’ You would be surprised at how much is uncovered from this one question. Each and every coaching session that I’ve done has been so moving in one way or another. At the end of each session I can feel a shift, sometimes not only in my client, but also in me.” April Sanchez, Life Coaching graduate

Jessica Bardzinski Proves That Nothing is Impossible


“I had two children and then went on to give birth to two additional children all while going to school. Thank goodness for the opportunity of online classes!... As my journey continued, I learned my business was meant to connect with other mamas in the trenches of motherhood. I forgot about myself while having children…I powerfully impact clients through my own journey and other mama clients I have worked with. I have lost over sixty pounds and have found myself through motherhood. I can still be a wife and mama and love myself at the same time.” Jessica Bardzinki, Mind-Body Transformational Psychology graduate

Charlotte MacDonald Invites You to Surround Yourself With Love


“Being a queer teen and a missionary forced me to reconcile with my spirituality. As I allowed it to evolve and grow, I sought out a career path that would allow me to feel fulfilled as I left my evangelical roots behind.When I got here, I discovered so much more than I bargained for and began sorting through my story and opening to my healing process…Here's this institution of folks [SWIHA] who are just weird, and so completely comfortable with themselves. They've dedicated their lives to being better humans, and loving others. Being surrounded by people like that forces you to love better, to be more open, and enables you to be less afraid of what others think. You see examples of people dancing to their own tune, and they're happy and successful. It instills this glimmer of hope that I can do that too.” Charlotte MacDonald, Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner graduate

Nyla Jones Wants You to Know That You Are Enough


“Everything about me is different: the way I interact with people, the way I eat, my career, my sleep, my choices. So many things have changed. More importantly, I am in love with myself…No matter what I heard about doing whatever I desired…I never believed it. There was always this voice in the back of my head telling me: ‘I’m not good enough, not smart enough’. I always started and never finished. I would run when it was time to shine. After graduating from SWIHA, I had tunnel vision. I knew what I wanted and didn’t allow any voice any naysayer to change that focus. ‘I am…I am…I am’. That’s all I say!” Nyla Jones, Yoga & Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner graduate


Study at SWIHA

Topics: Great Graduates, Motivational Monday, holistic entrepreneur, entrepreneurship

About the Author Taylor Jablonowski

Taylor Jablonowski is SWIHA’s Marketing Specialist and a momma to a three-year-old boy named Arlo. When she's not working to make the Healing Arts accessible to everyone, you'll probably find her somewhere in the woods with her feet in a river.

Taylor Jablonowski

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