A few weeks ago, I posted what I thought was an innocent plea, encouraging friends to “Pray for Israel”. This post was motivated by the fact that two of our graduates and longtime teachers were in harm's way, living on the banks of the Jordan and being forced to flee their homes. The morning after making the post, I woke up to a heart-wrenching message from another graduate with a Palestinian heritage, asking why I took sides against her. My heart sank. As a result, I’ve embarked on a deep, soul-searching, and self-education journey as to how “peace on earth” could be possible. What I share here is part of my personal plan, summarized in the acronym of P.E.A.C.E.
POLITICALLY CORRECT must become more than just being polite and avoiding any debatable comments. And, it certainly isn’t about merely censoring myself or anyone else for that matter. Instead of asking "Am I politically correct?", I’m choosing to ask "Am I being caring and compassionate towards ALL other Souls on the planet?”
As a lifelong peacemaker, my natural tendency is to take a middle road, yet this event has taught me I must become more conscious. This means researching, reading, and refraining from rushing to conclusions or righteous opinions. The result, for me, is that I’m doubling down on my yogic roots, seeking wisdom from Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras which teaches of the mighty and universal vows known as the Yamas. The first vow is Ahimsa — the practice of non-violence, which includes physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual violence towards others and self. We create violence most often in our reactions to events and others, habitually creating judgment, criticism, anger, or irritation!
No more! Rumi’s words will serve as a guidepost, “Out beyond ideas of wrongdoing and rightdoing, there is a field. I'll meet you there.”
EVALUATE. Consider and honor both sides before emoting. We can probably all agree that our nation, and the world, feel very polarized right now. There are strong, uncaring, even hateful accusations being flung out across the political aisle, across social media, and even between those who have considered one another friends. Robin Williams said it best, “Everyone you meet is fighting a battle you know nothing about. Be kind. Always." While it might initially sound Pollyanna-ish, for me, the most conscious and kind path I can choose is taking a step back to consider where others may be coming from before I blurt out an opinion based on what I think I know.
As yogis, we seek to see the world from “witness consciousness. This refers to the process of cultivating "pure awareness," without judgment of good or bad, right or wrong. The witness place inside of us is the part of us that is aware of everything — just noticing, watching, and being non-judgmental, present, and fully here … now. In reality, the “witness” is another level of consciousness where peace exists. The witness coexists alongside your normal consciousness as another layer of awareness, as the part of us that is awakened. More than ever, my personal prayer is to awaken to a higher level of consciousness where I can lovingly see both points of pain and release any need to have my tiny view understood or accepted.
How can this be done?
ALLOW for diversity, releasing all-or-nothing viewpoints. By choosing to assess our own conscious or unconscious prejudices, we will find “limiting core beliefs” — unexamined biases we learned from our parents or community of origin long before we understood we could make conscious, compassionate choices.
For me, I began remembering some rhetoric my dad used to espouse. He would say, mostly seriously, “You can leave the church, but never leave the party!” He was referring to the political party that could be traced back to the 19th century. This is an example of being stuck in unexamined bias. What if the two-party system is becoming antiquated? What if there is a “call” (or movement) for a “third right answer?”
Just reading this idea might elicit an emotional reaction; writing it certainly does.
The whole point is that we are hard-wired to believe what those who initially influenced our early programming believed until we consciously choose to re-examine what most aligns with our new adult-chosen core values and make new conscious, peace-filled choices.
What if we begin to ask, “Am I reacting from an unexamined past belief or bias, especially if the emotion of fear or hate is present in my reaction?” “If I choose again from ‘pure awareness’, committed to non-harm, what is the highest, most compassionate choice I can make?”
COMPASSION literally means “to suffer together.” Among emotion researchers, compassion is defined as the feeling that arises when you are confronted with another’s suffering and feel motivated to relieve that suffering, or at least not turn away from it, rather have the courage to feel into it for even a few moments.
While cynics may dismiss compassion as touchy-feely or irrational, scientists have started to map the biological basis of compassion, suggesting its deep evolutionary purpose. This research has shown that when we feel compassion, our heart rate slows down, we secrete the “bonding hormone” oxytocin, and brain regions linked to empathy, caregiving, and feelings of pleasure start to light up. A willingness to courageously care affects our brain chemistry, as well as our heart map. Compassion is always by choice, not chance.
EVOLVE has become my holiday prayer, plea, and pledge. Mother Theresa describes compassion like this: “If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other.”
The visual I have been using is that of an energetic umbilical cord of every single soul on earth being connected to a star in the sky! When I gaze up, the stars are not at war, rather share the night sky peacefully. And then I say/pray “Let there be peace on earth, and let it begin with me!”
Oh dear friends, unite with me by looking up and finding the star linked to your Soul. Breathe in the possibility of PEACE!
Compassion to
Evolve every day!
Happy Holidays! We are entering “The Year of the Dragon.” Mythologically the dragon is a mystical creature who leads with its heart, feeling its way because its eyes are covered with a coating designed to force the focus within. How incredibly appropriate:
Lead with your heart; feel into the decisions you make and the direction you take in 2024.
Note: Our special 2024 “Form a Yoga Habit” t-shirt features a dragon. Join Will Zecco on New Year’s Day at 10 am for our annual complimentary yoga class held in the Community Room at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, in Tempe, AZ. Click below to purchase 24 days of unlimited yoga for $24!