Protein, alongwith fats and carbohydrates, is an essential macro nutrient which we must eat everyday with every meal. Protein is a building block of our body and helps to buildthe foundation of our bones, muscles, cartilage, skin and blood.
I stopped eating red meat 30 years ago because my body could not digest it. I was a runner and felt like the meat made me sluggish. Then 18 years ago when my Mom was diagnosedwith breast cancer, I learned about antibiotics in poultry and stopped eating chicken and turkey, which I loved at the time.
My family was worried for years that I was not eating enough protein, but while I was studying nutrition, I learned so much about good plant protein, and now I’m honestly not worriedabout eating enough protein. Today, I love educating people about good sources of plant protein, including beans, whole grains and even vegetables.
Protein is important because it is a macro-nutrition; it builds and repairs tissues and makes enzymes, hormones and other body chemicals. About 25 percent of our daily diet should come from protein, so we should try to eat it with every meal. The average serving size of protein should fit in the palm of our hand.
When I first looked at information from the USDA database, I was amazed at the high levels of protein in beans, nuts, seeds and whole grains. As a long-time pescatarian(a vegetarian who also enjoys seafood) I had always been a little concerned that I had not been eating enough, however, learning how much protein is in seeds, nuts and certain meats makes me feel good about the amount of protein I have been eating.
With our Whole Food S.O.U.L. blog we invite you to take action with your whole foods eating habits. The goal is to incorporate new whole foods eating into your way of eating step-by-step.
Our challenge for you this week is to make your own lentil soup. Be creative in the kitchen and have fun with these simple lentil soup recipes. The EXPERIENCE NUTRITION™ recipe is the foundation process to make the soup, and former NFL player John Bronson added quinoa and anti-inflammatory turmeric to his soup.
This process of cooking soup gives us the foundation for making any type of bean soup. To make quick, delicious soups you will use amix-and-match of beans, veggies and greens.
Former NFL player,John Bronson loved this lentil soup so much, he is now enjoying it all the time. It’s a perfect meal, with plant-protein lentils and quinoa, sweet veggies and the anti-inflammatory turmeric. and
Melanie Albert, nutrition and food expert, author and speaker, has been active in the integrative medicine and nutrition fields for over a decade. She is the founder & CEO of Experience Nutrition Group, LLC, whose mission is to improve the lives health and nutrition of the sports community, kids and corporations through food and lifestyle education.
Melanie is an instructor in Whole Foods Cooking, Holistic Nutrition (Conscious Eating) and Entrepreneurship at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) in Tempe, AZ. She also teaches Intuitive Eating at Spirit of Yoga in Tempe, AZ. Melanie walks her talk and you can always find her at farmers' markets, in the kitchen experimenting, and practicing yoga.
You can get more recipes, nutrition and food tips from Melanie.
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