“Who do you know who is fully expressed in their boldness and bravery?” If this was a survey question asked of those on the college campus of Southwest Institute of Healing Arts, Richard Seaman’s name would, without a shadow of a doubt, be on the top of the list. Richard is bold and brave! As a longtime coach and the lead Life Coach Instructor for the college, Richard is committed to teaching others to be brave using a coaching model he has created using the acronym B.R.A.V.E.
Are you bold in a graceful way? Are you willing to take risks? Are you bold enough to be confident and courageous? If you are not currently, how could you be?
When asked to describe himself in a bold way, Richard declared, “I am a really good manifestor!” Richard shares, “Although I’m surprised when people think I was born with a silver spoon in my mouth, I was not! What I boldly claim is that I was born a child of God, who is loved and supported by an unseen force that is moving through me and all around me.”
About 15 years ago, Richard was feeling a bit discouraged and in search of his true life’s purpose. When he threw up his hands and pleaded for clarity, something deep within him prompted him to ask, “If I wanted to be used for a greater purpose–to be used by God to do the work that needs to be done–what would I have to do?” As if lighting had struck, Richard’s clear and very bold message was, “To become God’s employee, I would need to become ‘spiritually reliable’!” That became his quest, which is how he found his way to becoming a life coach. Part of his journey was to release self-judgment, which is the second step in the B.R.A.V.E. model...

Do you quickly release and let go of self-judgment, judgment of others, expectations, and false negative self-beliefs? If not, how could you?
Richard explains, “The key to manifestation is to never doubt it. When you say one positive thing and then follow up with a negative statement or belief, you cancel out all the good energy and vibrations and have to start over.” Further he explains, “If you don’t start over–stating your truest desire or intention clearly and boldly–what is left floating out there in the ethers is the last thing you said. Let it not be negative! Let it be bold and brave!”
Master Life Coach Richard Seaman often teaches, “The Universe is a ‘doing machine’. It does what you boldly command it to do. Whether your declaration is positive or negative–full of courage or self-criticism–your words create your reality. That which you say to the ‘doing machine’ finds itself and brings it back to you as your reality!”
“When you truly want to manifest something,” Richard passionately coaches, “you must show up authentically and vulnerably!” These are the third and fourth steps in the B.R.A.V.E. model…
Do you show up real, open, and approachable while telling the truth gracefully? If not, how can you shift?
Are willing to step into uncertainty and take risks? Work to calm any mental worries and release them easily? If not, how can you do this?
Richard explains that every person must have a heart-to-heart talk with themselves; they can choose to work with a coach or ask themselves some important life questions! Being authentic and vulnerable is both bold and brave. This is what Richard teaches consistently: “To manifest your heart’s desires, the only thing that can cancel out what we want to manifest is your mental thinking, your mental diet, and what you choose to believe as your truth.”
Continuing, Richard confirms, “When you language your life hard, you will experience your life hard. In other words, if you say, ‘Life is hard, or something will be hard to do, that’s what your reality will be.” With a wink and smile of assurance, Richard whispers, “Be open to receive easily and gracefully! “
Are you open to receive and embrace your highest calling on your life? If not, what do you need to do?
With absolute clarity, Richard embraces this truth: “Always know that there is no place that God is not.”
Richard challenges: “Co-create life with your higher power! Listen to its guidance—the whispers and nudges— guiding you to evolve and grow! We are God’s vessel; it is our hands, feet, eyes, mouth, and body that can do healing work here on earth. God’s hiring. Apply today to be God’s employee!”
Both in his book, Spiritual Reliability ~ Learning to Become God's Employee, and as a transformational educator at both SWIHA and at Seattle Life Coach Training, Richard is faithful in his commitment to train those who are brave and bold enough to be “spiritually reliable.” He posed these powerful questions:
- What would your life look like if you were to evolve and grow into a bigger, bolder, and braver expression of you?
- When you close your eyes, what do you see from the eyes of greatness?
- What are doing as God’s employee?
- How are you using your life for the great and good of others?
- Can you imagine being brave enough to use the B.R.A.V.E. model with others?
Richard Seaman is an award-winning teacher with a straightforward approach. He has coached and guided thousands of people to a more powerful, passionate life. As the author of two self-published books, It's All in the Sharing and Spiritual Reliability, he has secured a finalist spot as one of “America's Next Top Spiritual Authors” and he was awarded the "Best Teacher of the Year 2011" designation by the Arizona Private School Association. You can connect with Richard via Facebook or experience his teaching first hand on-campus at SWIHA.