“I love being a Coach because I get to see people helping themselves heal, and turning their life into the life that they deserve to live and feel proud of! In turn, I learn a lot as well…and I feel like through helping others I am able to help myself!”
Before Sophia Duhon became the Spiritual Life Coach and Holistic Entrepreneur she is now, she was studying psychology and literature. Although Sophia had a passion for learning about the human brain and the English language, eventually, Sophia realized her calling was elsewhere. “I felt that I was meant to help people on a deeper level…and that’s when I stumbled upon SWIHA!” proclaims Sophia.
Sophia chose the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts to pursue an education in Spiritual Life Coaching as she was innately drawn to the classes that were offered and the flexibility of being able to do the program online in the comfort of her own home. “My favorite part about SWIHA, and one of the reasons why I’m so grateful to have done my schooling here, is the inclusive and understanding environment! All walks of life feel welcome here, and that is a beautiful thing where anyone and everyone can come together and learn, and then be sent out into the world to help others cultivate their own spiritual growth” eludes Sophia.
Life Coaching to Sophia means much more than starting a business…it’s a way of life! Life Coaching is an amazing modality that helps her clients, and in turn, helps Sophia as well. “I have learned something new through coaching every day that I can apply to my own life and the lives of those around me. Spiritual Coaching & Life Coaching is about digging deeper into your hidden dreams and desires, and then learning to build up the courage to go after those things” She continues, “Through coaching, you can see where you draw your inner strength from, and in what areas of your life you’d like to improve upon. As a coach, we get to be our clients’ biggest cheerleaders for growth, and then get to teach them how to be that for themselves as well! It’s the most rewarding work…and teaches me how to show up for myself more too!”
Now being a SWIHA Great Graduate, Sophia has crafted such a cute and inspiring business! Sophia started her business ‘Marie & Co. by Sophia’ where she offers a variety of services. Sophia specializes in spiritual coaching, however, she also offers relationship and career coaching as well. “My favorite part about the spiritual coaching side is getting to help people figure out what their own unique and individual spirituality is, despite any religious trauma they’ve faced, or doubts they have about their ability to be spiritual beings. Spirituality is the life force of every human being, as well as one of our innate rights - when we practice our own forms of spirituality we can better understand ourselves, others, the world, and have faith in an afterlife - that is why I like helping people during this part of their journey’s” Sophia shares.
Some of Sophia’s favorite parts about coaching is helping clients decipher what their spiritual practices look like and how to incorporate that into their everyday lives. With integrating these practices into their lives, they are able to harness more awareness, peace, and overall well-being. On the topic of inner peace and happiness, Sophia shares one the questions she likes to ask her clients often, “I like to ask my clients what their ‘nectar’ is - i.e. what fills them up with happiness? Or, how can you make yourself feel like you’re on vacation every day? When we are in vacation mode we get to feel free to relax, and have fun…so why can’t we feel like that every day? Bringing the aspects of ‘nectar’ and ‘vacation’ into our daily lives helps us to remember that our own individual happiness should be one of our most important priorities - whether that means more relaxing, more having fun, more adventure, or even just spending more time with loved ones!”
With all that Coaching has given to Sophia in her life, she would like to offer 3 pieces of advice to someone looking to pursue coaching as a career:
- Have integrity! Try and understand why this is your calling, and harness all of the knowledge you’ll learn in schooling to help the world become a better place! The best way to make the world better is by teaching people how to make themselves better - use this as your intention when coaching others!
- Be honest with yourself and your clients - if you’re ever feeling overwhelmed, take a step back. Focus on healing yourself before you help others heal. You can’t pour from an empty cup after all!
- Every good coach has a great coach! Don’t be afraid to receive your own personal coaching so that you can be the best possible version of yourself for your clients and for you!
Transform Lives as a Life Coach
Connect with Sophia
Website: https://www.mariecospirituallifecoaching.com/
Facebook: @marieandco.bysophia
Instagram: @marieandco.bysophia
Youtube: @marieco.bysophia576