Someone recently asked me what my expectations were for signing up for the Reiki and Guides class that was offered in October of this year. After a bit of thought, my first response was I didn’t have any expectations. The reality of the situation was, I took the class because I needed more hours to graduate. When I signed up for the Mind-Body Wellness Program my goal was to graduate on the time table that I had set for myself a year before, and this class would help me do just that.
The Reiki part of the class, I had some familiarity with because I had experienced this energy healing modality from the Reiki 1 class that I had already taken. When I walked out, I had loved what I had already experienced and was eager to learn more. The spirit guide’s part of the class held more intrigue for me because of my limited knowledge on the subject.
The part of the class that had really fascinated me was what and/or who is considered a spirit guide. I learned spirit guides are considered to be conscious beings of light or souls, who have previously lived as a human and after passing, evolved into a higher level of energy. Spirit guides assist people living an earthly life in many ways. These guides provide protection, guidance, messages, intervention and intercessions.
I was familiar with the term guardian angels and did know that we all have at least two guardians with us at all times. Before my studies at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA), my belief was they were just always there helping and guiding us. What I didn’t know was that for them to intercede on our part they have to be asked. There are angels everywhere just waiting to be of assistance if we just ask them. So, I learned to invite them into my space when seeking information, help and/or guidance. I also learned that it is important to show gratitude and reverence by thanking them when your conversation has ended.
I was also very curious about the discussion on elementals. I had never heard of them before and was eager to gain a better understanding of who they were and what they did. The belief in elementals actually goes back to before religion came into being. “Nature’s angels” as they have been known may include fairies, elves, devas, brownies, leprechauns, gnomes, and spirits, as well as many others. It is believed that the elementals are governed by the archangels. They have no defined shape, however if they choose to appear, they will show themselves in forms that are recognizable and comfortable to the seer or by the element they represent. A fire elemental, for example, may appear as a face in a candle flame. A water elemental may present itself as a cold/moist spot in a space. An air elemental may present as a sudden breeze, and an earth elemental can be a smell, taste, or small rock in your shoe. All are signs that something is happening around us, and many times we may not even be aware of them.
By the time the class was over I had gained knowledge and a better understanding of spirit guides, who they are, what their job is, and in some ways how to identify them. One very important element or precaution that came up in the class was about the “dark side”, if you will. Spirits that are NOT of the light, are demons, Satan, evil spirits, evil spells, and other dark energies. These entities are not to be played with haphazardly. If you choose to engage with them, always protect yourself.
It is always recommended to be wise when calling on spirit guides, making sure that you are only calling on those guides that are of the light. Jesus, angels, archangels, ascended masters, gods and goddesses, the Holy Spirit, saints, totem spirits, our higher-self, and even interdimensional beings can all offer guidance and protection. The real question is what do you believe for yourself? Who or what do you believe is helping, guiding, protecting, or interceding for you on your life journey? These spirit guides, with their talents and their gifts are as varied as we are. It is up to each of us to listen and learn how they are showing up to assist us in our daily lives.
If you get the opportunity to take Reiki and Guides, even if it is just because you need the hours for your program, go for it! You will not be disappointed. I hope that you appreciate and love it as much as I did.
Reiki and Guides will be offered again on Saturday, January 7th. Sign up here!