Taylor Leido's Journey of Finding Her Life’s Purpose: Becoming a Hypnotherapist

Posted by Jade Marvin on 9/19/24 4:00 PM


What was your life like before SWIHA? What led you to SWIHA and to your particular program of study? Why are you passionate about this modality?

In 2021, I reached my eleven year anniversary at an insurance company I had been working at since I was 20 years old. I grew up with a passion for art, always painting and drawing, however, like most young adults, I was encouraged to take a job that paid well and had “great benefits”. I always knew that I loved to help others, and I tried to incorporate that in the corporate world by training and assisting coworkers who needed additional help. Yet eventually I began to burn out, and my soul just knew this wasn’t what I was meant to be doing.

My best friend lent me a book called “Many Lives, Many Masters”, and at the time I had no idea what Hypnotherapy was, yet the idea of past lives was something I was always fascinated with. It turned out that it was much more than past lives, it was healing wounds that we carry in our current life. It was helping others release a burden that could be stopping them from living their life the way that they want. I recognized myself, friends and family in this book, and how many people could really benefit from Hypnotherapy. After finishing this book, there was no hesitation or doubt about it, I was going to become a Hypnotherapist.

Is there a “defining moment” you’d like to speak about? When did you know that you were on the right path?

The sense of peace I felt in my heart after deciding I was going to become a Hypnotherapist was the moment I knew I was on the right path. The craziest part was that I had never actually had a session myself, yet after reading that book (any many after) I just had a knowing in the deepest part of my soul. I could visualize it, and ideas and inspiration just began to flow into my mind with everything I could potentially accomplish. I immediately searched for Hypnotherapy classes, and found the program at SWIHA. I booked an appointment with an advisor, and signed up for the 100 hour Hypnotherapy program.

Has your life significantly changed? If so, how?

My life has significantly shifted since completing my certification. There was a lot of opportunity for personal growth in each class and a lot of moments of realization to be had. Before signing up for classes, I was struggling with anxiety and panic attacks, living my life in a state of fight or flight and avoidance of anything that could potentially trigger it. Getting the opportunity to work on my own mental health journey during these classes was unexpected, yet an incredible gift. 

After the 100 hour certification, I booked an appointment with Taylor Rometty, a SWIHA Graduate, and kept working on this goal to overcome anxiety. I can confidently say that I achieved my goal and I’ve never felt more aligned with my purpose. Healing my anxiety has allowed me to find my voice.

What are you up to now—professionally and personally?

I’m completely focused on building my business while still working full time. I am continuing to educate myself in Advanced Hypnotherapy classes at SWIHA. In my personal life, I have been spending a lot of time getting back to painting, and also taught myself to metal smith to make jewelry. Spending time by letting myself be creative has been essential to fill my own cup.

If you own a business or private practice, tell us all about it! What inspired you to start your own business? What services do you offer? How do you powerfully impact clients? How are the skills you learned at SWIHA supporting your work?

I started Southwest Arcana Hypnotherapy after receiving my 100 hour certification. I was born in Arizona, so using Southwest in the name seemed perfect! Arcana means secret, and was also used in reference to the mysteries of the spiritual world (back in the day) – which seemed fitting for working with the subconscious mind. I currently offer Hypnotherapy sessions, as well as Past Life Regression sessions over Zoom. My clients are my motivation, seeing them achieve their goals and attract beautiful opportunities into their lives as their mindsets change is what inspires me to grow my business more. 

My skills that I learned at SWIHA have been essential to my success in helping my clients. All of the techniques I currently use have been learned at SWIHA, I haven’t been faced with a client that I don’t feel prepared for!

What was the greatest lesson(s) you learned while at SWIHA?

My greatest lesson from SWIHA was allowing myself to be seen. When I first started the classes, I felt myself resisting when there was any kind of ask for volunteers to participate in a demo or even allowing myself to be vulnerable and open with partner work. This was only blocking my potential to healing and also the learning experience. When I finally was able to let go of that insecurity of being seen, magic really began to happen and I felt a lot more attuned to my classmates and what we were learning.

Who were your most impactful teachers while you studied at SWIHA? What were your favorite classes?

I had the wonderful opportunity of having Linda Bennett as my teacher throughout my classes. Linda truly cares about all of her students' success, and has incredibly vast knowledge of Hypnotherapy and the subconscious mind. She makes learning the lessons fun, and getting to hear her stories of past experiences was the best part! It’s hard to pick just one class, however, it would have to be between Past life Regression and Spirit Releasement.

If you could give advice to future SWIHA students, what would it be?

My advice to any future students would be to go into class, and allow yourself to be totally immersed in it! Volunteer for the demos, speak up and share your stories and just be present. You’re surrounded by like-minded individuals – and time just flies by while you’re there.

Learn More About SWIHA’s Hypnotherapy Programs 

Connect with Tayler

Website: https://southwestarcana.com/

Topics: Great Graduate, hypnotherapy program, Past Life Regressions, Subconscious, Advanced Hypnotherapy

About the Author Jade Marvin

Jade Marvin graduated with honors from Arizona State University with a BS in Business Digital Marketing. She is SWIHA’s Marketing Specialist who loves to write, dance, hang out with her friends and shop! When she’s not in the office, you’ll probably find her cuddling up with her cat & binge watching the latest show on Netflix.

Jade Marvin

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