The Inspiring Journey of Crystal Stemple: Finding Confidence as a Health Coach

Posted by Jade Marvin on 11/2/23 4:00 PM


Before SWIHA, I just worked all the time, and I was never sure what my actual purpose was. I did not have a lot of self-compassion, and I did not really love myself. Through my program, I have learned to grow and love myself and I want to help others around me. I’m very excited and compassionate to help others.”

The common phrase “you must help yourself before you help others” rang true for SWIHA Great Graduate Crystal Stemple. Life before SWIHA was confusing and robotic, which left Crystal feeling unsure about her future. Once Crystal learned to love herself more, people on the outside started to notice it too! Come along as we dive into Crystal’s journey of self-love, compassion, confidence, and passion for helping others!

Crystal Stemple enrolled in the Holistic Health & Wellness Coaching program at SWIHA and was excited about a new beginning. Crystal shares, “I knew I was on the right path when I started learning about a growth mindset. I knew I could learn and I picked up on everything very quickly. I loved learning about the microbiome and using the techniques I learned in class for my own autoimmune disease and seeing my own results, I knew exactly what I wanted to do and how I could help others personally.” During Crystal’s time at SWIHA, various online instructors made a huge impact on her education and learning. Crystal highlights moments with all her beloved teachers, however, Dr. Kelly and Sharlene Norquest stood out to her. “I loved learning about the microbiome, and I really enjoyed the coaching classes, it has really helped me overcome some of my own fears” asserts Crystal.

The greatest lesson I learned was to give myself compassion. I learned to love myself and my clients. I have learned that you do not have to be perfect in order to help others. I also learned that I am enough. I am enough.”

Has life changed significantly for Crystal Stemple since enrolling at SWIHA? She would certainly say so! Crystal states, “My life has really changed. Before when I was getting started I originally just wanted to learn more to help with my meal prep business, however, it has turned into so much more. I am happier and healthier than ever before. I feel great and people see that. They ask what I’m doing and how I got to this point in my life. I can say this with excitement and light up. So yes it’s definitely been a significant change.”

Now that Crystal has completed her program, she has established her own meal prep and catering company, along with being a Health Coach and taking clients! She is also working towards becoming a certified Yoga Instructor. “I was inspired to get into holistic wellness because I wanted to help people with autoimmune diseases. I love to help people” she continues, “I impact my clients by encouraging and empowering them to be healthier. I encourage them to love themselves and to want that for themselves. The skills I have learned make me feel more confident and comfortable helping my clients.

I never thought I would be to the point where I am now. I love that I am working out more. I am giving myself more compassion. I’m learning to love myself and show others that I do. I love that people are seeing the changes in me personally.”

Become a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach

Connect with Crystal


Facebook: Crystal Stemple

Instagram: @LeHolisticConnexion

Topics: self love, holistic entrepreneur, Great Graduate, Holistic Health and Wellness Coach, Meal Prep

About the Author Jade Marvin

Jade Marvin graduated with honors from Arizona State University with a BS in Business Digital Marketing. She is SWIHA’s Marketing Specialist who loves to write, dance, hang out with her friends and shop! When she’s not in the office, you’ll probably find her cuddling up with her cat & binge watching the latest show on Netflix.

Jade Marvin

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