A “motivator” is a charismatic person who provides encouragement and inspiration to others to take action, pursue goals, improve performance, or take on a new, more positive outlook on life. They are described as cheerleaders, coaches, caregivers, or even Firewalkers!
Recently, SWIHA hosted its 5th Annual Peak Performance Conference & FIREWALK, attended by nearly a hundred individuals. All those in attendance were looking for a “Motivator” to inspire them across the hot coals of the fire and help them ignite a personal fire within for the coming year. James Patrick, a trained Firewalk facilitator, definitely showed up as a “Master Motivator” as well. In fact, at the end of the event, he was dubbed the “Tony Robbins of Tempe”, after the world-famous motivational speaker and author of Unlimited Power!
While reflecting on the event, we looked at what prepared James to step-up and rightfully claim this praise and respect. The bottom line, he’s put in the time and work, with a sincere desire to teach others to do the same! For over 15 years, James has been a student of the psychology of winning and wellness, with a focus on life coaching, personal peak performance, and entrepreneurial success. Of course, he’s a graduate of many of the programs offered at SWIHA, however, he has attended hundreds of hours of outside motivational training and seminars, as well as, read and listened to countless books and podcasts. He regularly sets “stretch” goals that take him outside his comfort zone, and above all, he teaches what he wants to master himself.
Here are some steps to help you become an effective Motivator:
- 1. Understand Yourself! Know your own motivations and values. What’s your WHY? The more self-awareness you personally have, the more you can inspire and lead others authentically. You can only take others to the places you have gone! The deeper your own self-healing journey has been, the more motivational you can be to others.
- 2. Determine who you want to be like! It has been said we are an accumulation of the top five people we spend most of our time with or are concerned about! Rather than default to whatever our heart-brain subconsciously takes in, choose the vibe and personality traits you want to emulate and accent. A good coach and motivator has a good coach and motivator. Pick the people, the famous personalities, and the political postures you want to be your profile. Follow their lead, until you are ready to lead yourself.
- 3. Set Clear Goals! First, set SMART* goals for yourself, and then help others do the same. Be “Specific” — How can you “Measure” your goals? “Ask” for assistance and support! Re-evaluate often if you are “Realistic” or stuck in “Resistance!” “Tell” others of your success!
- 4. Watch your words! The phrase "We cannot afford the luxury of a negative thought" is attributed to the American author and motivational speaker, John C. Maxwell, however, it’s something James Patrick teaches and preaches often! He emphasizes the importance of maintaining a positive mindset, especially in challenging situations, as it can significantly impact our actions and outcomes. Your thoughts and words can “burn” you!
- 5. Lead by Example! Demonstrate the behaviors and attitudes you want to inspire in others. Your actions can be a powerful motivator. Let people see you in class, at the gym, on your yoga mat, climbing mountains, walking across fire! BE who you say you are!
- 6. Celebrate achievements and moments of growth! Recognize and celebrate both small and large accomplishments publicly and consider sharing some of your vulnerable losses as well. This reinforces progress, as well as acknowledges the realism of life’s ups and downs. Plastic people don’t motivate; positive “real” people do!
- 7. Give praise where praise is due, including to GUS* (God, Universe, Spirit!) Don’t be afraid or cautious about your relationship to a power greater than you, if you have one! Again, be authentic! If you pray, get spiritual downloads, or even have a “crisis of faith”, share your humanity and your divinity.
- 8. Sit with yourself. Take solace away from being “on stage” all the time. Honor that even the most motivated motivator needs some downtime. Rest. Restore. Recalibrate. Ready yourself to serve in the role for which you have been prepared for. In the words of Master Motivator James Patrick, “Make sure you make yourself a priority each day. Take care of yourself before you take care of your goals or anyone else. The motivators, movers, and shakers of this world must all make a commitment to prioritizing themselves first each day to ensure they have all that is needed to successfully show up for others without sacrificing themselves.”
Personal Note: It has been my honor to serve as a mentor, motivator, and second mother to James Patrick. While I understand pride may be considered a sin to some, to be witness to the way James shows up, steps up, and shows his light so that others can see what is possible is quite indiscernible. This, this, this is my personal WHY!