How to Think Like a Publisher

Posted by Brian McKinney on 4/21/15 10:44 AM

"Writing is by definition a creative endeavor, one that energizes the mind and nourishes the soul."

Randy Davila

Randy DavilaFor many creative people, especially writers, putting themselves out there can be an intimidating and overwhelming process. It can be a scary enough process to just put words on paper or type into a computer, sharing your soul with friends or family. It’s even scarier to try to get those words published for the entire world to read!

A 2013 article from Forbes.com states that there are roughly 600,000 to one million books published a year in America, and as much as half are self-published. It’s a pretty competitive marketplace for even the most ambitious writers who hope to get their message out, and read, by more than just a few family members and close friends.

According to Randy Davila, CEO of Hampton Roads and Hierophant Publishing, right now is the best time in history to write a book and get it published. However, it is also a time of rapid and confusing change in the publishing industry.

"We all know the publishing world has changed,” Randy writes in his book, Think Like A Publisher.

“An explosion in printed books, Ebooks, and self-publishing has contributed to more new titles coming to market than ever before. With so much happening, how does an author stand out from the crowd?”

Randy Davila

Motivational speaker and author Sunny Dawn Johnston has had several of her books published through Randy Davila’s publishing company. She shares that Randy was not only her publisher, he was a mentor, coach and taskmaster as well.

“I am a speaker, and I LOVE to speak! I have to admit I never loved writing. Once I actually sat myself down to write, it took weeks to turn in my manuscript.”

Sunny Dawn Jonston

When Sunny was asked how she met her book publisher, with a twinkle in her eye, she teases:

“It’s very long and interesting story . . . and the short version goes like this: I was speaking at the Celebrate Your Life conference, and was introduced to Randy. From our first conversation we connected.”

Sunny Dawn offers this promise:

“The rest of the story is too good to share here! Come and join Randy and I at the Author’s Success Workshop SWIHA, and I'll share the ‘rest of the story’.”

Randy and sunny 2

Part of the story Sunny did share was that she has heard so many stories about people spending years sending out proposals and trying to find a publisher. “I was blessed to have the Universe do that part of the work for me. I was mindful of my own energy and vibration and truly attracted the opportunity to me with the amazing help of the Angels, the Universe, and a very key person as well. It is one of the greatest manifestations I have been blessed to receive,” reports Sunny humbly.

When asked what the most challenging part was, without hesitation Sunny said: “ME!”, and with total honesty, the bubbly blonde from the Westside of Phoenix, Arizona confesses:



“The hardest part was getting myself to sit down and write. Once I actually sat down to really write it, it took six weeks to turn in my first manuscript. My greatest challenge was getting out of my own way!”

Randy and sunny 44Looking back, Sunny Dawn reflects from a deep place of gratitude: “I had the best team supporting me and my books! My editor was fabulous and my publisher, Randy Davila, was patient with all of my questions… and I had a lot of them! I learned so much about myself as I went through the writing and publishing process. And, I’m still learning.”

Needless to say, getting a book published will take some time and effort. As a writer or aspiring writer, even if the passion is there to write, and the desire to get published is imminent, it’s not something that is easy to accomplish single-handedly.

Randy Davila is an author himself. He writes and speaks about what he is an authority on and what he is passionate about. His book title says it best: Think Like A Publisher: 33 Tips to Write, Promote, and Sell Your Book.

Randy Davila is the President of Hierophant Publishing and Hampton Roads Publishing Company. Between the two publishing houses, he has overseen the publication of books by authors such as Eckhart Tolle, Byron Katie, Neale Donald Walsch, Richard Bach, Jack Canfield, Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. and many, many, more.

Randy and sunny 5While it is true Randy has worked with an impressive line-up of best-selling authors, he says with all sincerity: “I love discovering new talent. I always tell people, don’t listen to the naysayers. You can do this!”

He goes on to coach: “Remember to follow your heart, and also be willing to accept guidance and direction from those qualified to help you. It is so very important that you learn how to promote your own book and create a successful ‘author business model’. Put one foot in front of the other, and if you keep implementing the strategies I have outlined in my book, good things will happen for you and your ‘author business’.”

When Sunny Dawn Johnston was asked about the advice Randy gives in his book: ‘Stand out from the crowd’, upon reflection, this is what she said:

“I had no trouble ‘standing out from the crowd’ . . . because I believe my angels guided me. While my team and I used some great marketing tools, that worked brilliantly, I believe people are attracted to my book because they can feel the passion I have written on every page.”

What is Sunny Dawn Johnston’s advice to aspiring writers? Meet my publisher! Do what he says! Do as I have done! Write with passion . . . and have a plan.

Randy Davila and Sunny Dawn Johnston will be at Southwest Institute of Healing Arts on April 25 to help answer critical questions that every writer who longs to be published will need answered.

Get answers to questions such as:

What are publishers and readers looking for in a manuscript?
What are the most common mistakes to avoid?
What should I do about marketing my book?
What is an ‘author business model’?

Come hear the answer to these and many other questions about book publishing when Randy brings his expertise to SWIHA for his Author Success Workshop on Saturday, April 25th, from 1 to 5 pm. Click here to enroll!

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Brian McKinney

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