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Time to Shine: Jamie Reklau Serves Her Clients as an ‘Assistant of Spirit’

Written by Taylor Jablonowski | 3/21/19 10:00 PM

“Though I reside in Wisconsin and SWIHA is a distance from me, I know my people are out there,” Jamie Reklau says with a full heart.

From an early age, Jamie has loved to build others confidence, offer wisdom and lend an ear when needed. She tells us: “During my junior high school years, I passed around a notebook and started a ‘Dear Jamie’ column.  I had passion, even back then, to offer new ideas and do whatever I could to assist my classmates to have a better life.”

However, as she navigated adulthood, she realized that she had shut herself off from her authenticity: I felt like I was not allowed to be my genuine self,” says Jamie, “I lived a highly traumatic life. I survived a Traumatic Brain Injury and lived most of my life feeling like I could never accomplish anything meaningful. My mindset was that it wasn't in the cards for me.”

After ending her marriage in 2015, Jamie intuitively knew that this was the time to step in to her power and reconnect with her passion for helping others: She told herself:This is my time in life to shine and make something profound out of my story.”

“After my divorce I could finally see that Life Coaching was my thing,” Jamie explains, “I also knew that I wanted to offer a variety of modalities for healing clients.  Nothing is ‘one size fits all’.”

Jamie resonated immediately with SWIHA’s online Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner program and the specialty options it offered. Though, she admits she wasn’t immediately sold on some of them: “I was horrified of hypnosis, so my goal with that was to overcome my fear of it. And Toe Reading was a service I wanted nothing to do with. I was not interested in feet at all,” she continues, “However...Spirit works in amazing ways! My current services include Life Coaching, Hypnosis, and Toe Reading.  The two services I wanted nothing to do with, I am completely in LOVE with!”

The instructors were a big reason why she fell in love with her education: “Linda Bennett [Hypnotherapy] and Cheryl Speen [Toe Reading] were two of the most impactful instructors I’ve ever had.  They really cared with great detail. They put the time and effort into seeing me, assisting me and being available. Their feedback and personal connection were  really important in my learning process, and their teaching qualities gave me the confidence that I needed to move forward.”

However, Jamie knew much earlier that SWIHA was where she belonged. Right from the first phone call, in fact! “Though Tristen Reis [Associate Director of Admissions] was not my teacher, she made a huge impact on me just by believing in me and going above and beyond. She was my cheerleader!  We connected right away, and I just remember wondering what she saw in me that I didn't.  She was my number one support in assisting me in believing in myself.  I would not have connected with SWIHA if it wasn't for her.”

Jamie’s business, Inspired Aspirations LLC, utilizes her natural gifts and life-long passion for serving others: “I love holding safe space for clients.  By allowing them to take off their daily mask, they can really connect to the deepest part of their internal selves. The skills I learned at SWIHA taught me how to create a sacred environment for myself and for others. I meditate briefly before each client, asking Spirit to lead the session and present them with the message that would best suit them in that moment. I view myself as an assistant of Spirit, a tool for them to utilize. The client does the work naturally by uncovering all of the answers that they already have within them.”

Jamie visiting SWIHA and meeting Tristen
for the first time!

She has developed a unique business and an even more creative way to connect with potential clients! “I often challenge people to go to my website and search for the picture of me with the clown nose!  Why would I do this?  It is a subtle way for me to let potential clients know I am down to earth and being genuine is important.  How can I expect them to be genuine if I don't allow myself to be?”

Her SWIHA education has not only allowed her to pursue her passion professionally, it’s also had a profound impact on her personal life: “Since SWIHA, I have confidence, support that is outstanding, and a home away from home with my tribe. I have people that get me and understand me for the first time in my life.  I no longer feel so alone with my uniqueness,” Jamie says, “ I have been attracting some of the most profound people.  I am so blessed!”

Jamie leaves us with this message of inspiration: “I love my life. I love my business.  When you find your tribe, you gain the confidence to discover your own growth. This is your journey and no one else’s. Create it to be all you want it to be! I am so thankful to SWIHA for all of their support.”

You can follow Jamie on Facebook and Instagram!