At the age of seventeen, Cherie chose to do a thesis paper on Buddhism and reincarnation in high school. She did not know at the time why she chose this subject; she just felt very comfortable with it despite her Catholic upbringing. Through her study, she found herself believing. She realized she had always felt as if she could sense how others were feeling. “I had a lot of déjà vu wherever I went. This feeling led me on a path of self-discovery, and I felt I no longer believed all the things I had been told to believe in the Catholic religion. I started checking out all the different religious books in the local library, and I researched what they believed. I also started attending a lot of different churches. I discovered that many of them believed in a higher power, and several believed in an afterlife. This was very different from what I was used to.”
Cherie is not alone. Many people struggle with their childhood religious beliefs, and it is very difficult to have the courage to step out of that comfort zone and search for a meaning that resonates with the adult version of who we once were. She went on to share: “When I was twenty-three years old, I had a near-death experience in which I was declared dead for three minutes. I had an out-of-body trip to heaven, where I saw two angels, three spirits of deceased relatives, and ‘Jesus’. Jesus told me it was not my time to be there, and he sent me back to my physical body. I returned with a dark entity attached to my soul, which did some strange things to me. It took me five years to accept what had occurred, as well as to get rid of the dark entity.” (SWIHA has a Spirit Releasement class for those who seek more information.)
Cherie’s Road To SWIHA
In 2014, I wrote and published my first book about my near-death experience and these visions. I spent the next two years promoting Visions From Above ~ My Journey- My Destiny. I put my book out there publicly at local events and also virtually on Facebook, Google Plus, and Twitter. After all of the criticism, I felt I had to makeup an anonymous name to use for my book, so I am known as, ‘Amy Jamison’.
One day as I was researching on my computer, I kept seeing an ad for Southwest Institute of Healing Arts in Tempe, Arizona. The ad would flash across every page I visited. Then, I went offline and started watching television. Next, this same ad came on during commercials. I took this as a sign from God to call the school and check it out.
The December Gifts and Graces will have a focus of, “How Are You Being Called to Serve?” KC Miller will be leading the Ordination Ceremony in which Cherie will be a part of. The evening begins at 6 pm and goes until 7:30 pm. Help us celebrate the graduates who are stepping into their calling!